combination door
- an outside door having a frame into which different types of panels can be inserted, as a screen for summer or storm sash for winter.
Example Sentences
And while both vehicles are operated by small crews — four soldiers for the Abrams and three for the Bradley — the Bradley has a combination door and ramp assembly that opens to the rear so that infantry soldiers can quickly enter and exit.
Cutbacks have also taken place at Wells Manufacturing Corp., a maker of auto-ignition parts, Sterling Custom Homes Corp., a producer of prefab dwellings, and Combination Door Co., which turns out components for houses.
With an expression not unsuggestive of the mien of the disconsolate relict who has just made her melancholy deposit in the vault, Raikes placed the sapphire in this second recess, closed the combination door, replaced the swinging radiator, and prepared to retire for the remainder of the night.