
View synonyms for circle


[ sur-kuhl ]


  1. a closed plane curve consisting of all points at a given distance from a point within it called the center. Equation: x 2 + y 2 = r 2 .
  2. the portion of a plane bounded by such a curve.
  3. any circular or ringlike object, formation, or arrangement:

    a circle of dancers.

    Synonyms: corona, halo, ring

  4. a ring, circlet, or crown.
  5. the ring of a circus.
  6. a section of seats in a theater:

    dress circle.

  7. the area within which something acts, exerts influence, etc.; realm; sphere:

    A politician has a wide circle of influence.

  8. a series ending where it began, especially when perpetually repeated; cycle:

    the circle of the year.

  9. Logic. an argument ostensibly proving a conclusion but actually assuming the conclusion or its equivalent as a premise; vicious circle.
  10. a complete series forming a connected whole; cycle:

    the circle of the sciences.

  11. a number of persons bound by a common tie; coterie:

    a literary circle;

    a family circle.

  12. Government. an administrative division, especially of a province.
  13. Geography. a parallel of latitude.
  14. Astronomy.
    1. (formerly) the orbit of a heavenly body.
  15. Surveying. a glass or metal disk mounted concentrically with the spindle of a theodolite or level and graduated so that the angle at which the alidade is set may be read.
  16. a sphere or orb:

    the circle of the earth.

  17. a ring of light in the sky; halo.

verb (used with object)

, cir·cled, cir·cling.
  1. to enclose in a circle; surround; encircle:

    Circle the correct answer on the exam paper.

    The enemy circled the hill.

  2. to move in a circle or circuit around; rotate or revolve around:

    He circled the house cautiously.

  3. to change course so as to pass by or avoid collision with; bypass; evade:

    The ship carefully circled the iceberg.

verb (used without object)

, cir·cled, cir·cling.
  1. to move in a circle or circuit:

    The plane circled for half an hour before landing.

  2. Movies, Television. to iris (usually followed by in or out ).


/ ˈsɜːkəl /


  1. maths a closed plane curve every point of which is equidistant from a given fixed point, the centre. Equation: ( x –h )² + ( y –k = r ² where r is the radius and ( h, k ) are the coordinates of the centre; area πr²; circumference: 2π r
  2. the figure enclosed by such a curve
  3. theatre the section of seats above the main level of the auditorium, usually comprising the dress circle and the upper circle
  4. something formed or arranged in the shape of a circle
  5. a group of people sharing an interest, activity, upbringing, etc; set

    a family circle

    golf circles

  6. a domain or area of activity, interest, or influence
  7. a circuit
  8. a process or chain of events or parts that forms a connected whole; cycle
  9. a parallel of latitude See also great circle small circle
  10. the ring of a circus
  11. one of a number of Neolithic or Bronze Age rings of standing stones, such as Stonehenge, found in Europe and thought to be associated with some form of ritual or astronomical measurement
  12. hockey See striking circle
  13. a circular argument See vicious circle
  14. come full circle
    to arrive back at one's starting point See also vicious circle
  15. go round in circles or run round in circles
    to engage in energetic but fruitless activity
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. to move in a circle (around)

    we circled the city by car

  2. tr to enclose in a circle; encircle
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ sûrkəl /

  1. A closed curve whose points are all on the same plane and at the same distance from a fixed point (the center).

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Derived Forms

  • ˈcircler, noun
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Other Words From

  • circler noun
  • inter·circle verb (used with object) intercircled intercircling
  • re·circle verb recircled recircling
  • un·circled adjective
  • under·circle verb (used with object) undercircled undercircling
  • under·circle noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of circle1

First recorded before 1000; Middle English cercle (from Old French cercle), Old English circul, both from Latin circulus, equivalent to circ(us) “circle, circular course, orbit” + -ulus diminutive ending; circus, -ule )
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Word History and Origins

Origin of circle1

C14: from Latin circulus a circular figure, from circus ring, circle
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Idioms and Phrases

  1. circle the wagons,
    1. (in the early U.S. West) to form the wagons of a covered-wagon train into a circle for defensive purposes, as against Indian attack.
    2. Slang. to prepare for an all-out, unaided defensive fight:

      The company has circled the wagons since its market share began to decline.

More idioms and phrases containing circle

see full circle ; go around (in circles) ; run around (in circles) ; run rings (circles) around ; vicious circle .
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Synonym Study

Circle, club, coterie, set, society are terms applied to restricted social groups. A circle may be a little group; in the plural it often suggests a whole section of society interested in one mode of life, occupation, etc.: a sewing circle; a language circle; in theatrical circles. Club implies an association with definite requirements for membership and fixed dues: an athletic club. Coterie suggests a little group closely and intimately associated because of congeniality: a literary coterie. Set refers to a number of persons of similar background, interests, etc., somewhat like a clique ( ring 1 ) but without disapproving connotations; however, it often implies wealth or interest in social activities: the country club set. A society is a group associated to further common interests of a cultural or practical kind: a Humane Society.
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Example Sentences

Unbeknownst to him, there was someone in his circle of friends paying extra close attention to Paul.

Von Spakovsky is highly influential in conservative circles.

It’s unclear how ancestral Wichita people used council circles.

In his 2005 book, Inside the Neolithic Mind, Lewis-Williams argues that a similar principle might explain other Neolithic monuments and cult buildings found in the Near East, such as the stone circles of Göbekli Tepe.

Inner groups of simulated stones obscured and scattered sounds reflected off the outer sarsen circle, blocking echo formation.

So, Linklater just won Best Director by the New York Film Critics Circle.

Julio had come full circle and had returned to Cuba as a tourist in his own country.

The girls ran in the same circle (Palmolive was also in the Flowers of Romance) and the group was looking for a guitarist.

The RSD Facebook page, and all the local RSD groups, known as “inner circle,” have been switched to private.

Not before long, I think about four cops went up to the circle and just grabbed a few of the people from behind.

Wharton and Louis had withdrawn their hands at the same instant they caught his eye; and the Duke turned into the circle.

It was the conversation of every circle; and discussed according to the dispositions, or views of the speakers.

We (the officers) were sitting in a circle round the general and Alcalde, both of whom appeared uneasy and anxious.

His books were read in our homes, often aloud to the family circle by paterfamilias, and moved us to laughter or tears.

A child's attempt to represent a man appears commonly to begin by drawing a sort of circle for the front view of the head.


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More About Circle

What is a basic definition of circle?

In geometry, a circle is a perfectly round shape—meaning any point around its curve is the same distance from its central point. Circle commonly refers to anything that’s approximately shaped like this, even if it’s not a perfect circle in geometric terms. The letter O is a circle. As a verb, circle means to surround something or to move in a circular pattern. The word circle has several other senses as a noun and a verb.

In math, a circle is one of the shapes that a student will learn about when studying geometry. A circle resembles the letter O or the symbol for zero (0). A circle consists of a closed curved line around a central point. Every point on the line is the same distance from the central point. This distance to the center is called the radius. The outer line that encloses the circle (or the length of this line) is called the circumference.

Real-life example: A circle is a basic shape that’s typically taught to young children along with other simple shapes, such as triangles, squares, and rectangles.

Used in a sentence: The math teacher taught the students how to measure the circumference of a circle. 

Outside of math, circle generally refers to any object, shape, or formation that resembles a ring. The adjective circular describes something that has the shape of a circle.

Real-life examples: Wedding rings, Hula-Hoops, Cheerios, and car tires are circles. Drum circles, poetry circles, and prayer circles involve people literally arranging themselves to form a ring shape. They can also be figurative circles, with people gathering in one place for a common purpose.

Used in a sentence: The children gathered in a circle around the litter of puppies. 

As a verb, circle means to surround something or to enclose it in a circle.

Real-life example: Schoolchildren are often asked to circle the correct answer on a test.

Used in a sentence: The police officers circled the building so that every exit was covered. 

Circle as a verb also means to move in a circle or a circular pattern around something.

Real-life example: Vultures and sharks often circle around things they are planning to eat.

Used in a sentence: She circled the house in search of her dropped car keys.

Where does circle come from?

The first records of circle come from before the year 1000. It comes from the Latin circulus, meaning “a circular figure” from circus, meaning “ring” or “circle.”

Yes, the English word circus shares an origin with circle. In ancient Rome, the word circus referred to a circular or oval-shaped arena where games, chariot races, and other events were held.

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to circle?

  • circler (noun)
  • intercircle (verb)
  • recircle (verb)
  • uncircled (adjective)

What are some synonyms for circle?

What are some words that share a root or word element with circle

What are some words that often get used in discussing circle?

How is circle used in real life?

Circles are common shapes and circle is a common word that can be used in many different contexts.



Try using circle!

True or False?

If a dog is circling its food bowl, it is moving around it in a circular pattern.

Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.




Circinuscircle graph