


  1. a combining form meaning “green,” used in the formation of compound words:



  1. a combining form used in the names of chemical compounds in which chlorine is present:




  1. a variant of chloro-

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Word History and Origins

Origin of chlor-1

Combining form of Greek chlōrós light green, greenish yellow; akin to yellow, gold, gleam

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Example Sentences

Chlorine and bromine, however, react with methane, gradually replacing hydrogen and forming chlor- and brom-substitution products.


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Words That Use Chlor-

What does chlor- mean?

Chlor- is a combining form used like a prefix that can mean “green” or indicate the chemical element chlorine. It is used in many medical and scientific terms, especially in biology and chemistry.

Chlor- comes from the Greek chlōrós, meaning “light green” or “greenish yellow.” Chlorine is so named because the gas has a pale green color.

What are variants of chlor-?

When combined with words or word elements that begin with a consonant, chlor- becomes chloro-, as in chloroform.

Examples of chlor-

One of many words in chemistry that uses chlor- is chloranil, a type of yellow, crystalline, water-insoluble solid.

Knowing the meaning of chlor- can help you decode an intimidating chemical term like chloranil. The first part of the word, chlor-, indicates the substance contains chlorine. The second part of the word, -anil, comes from aniline, a type of oily liquid.

What are some words that use or are related to the combining form chlor-?

What are some other forms that chlor- may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

Chloroma refers to the development of malignant masses (-oma being a combining form meaning “tumor” or “abnormal growth”) in bones of the body. Based on the meaning of chlor-, what color are these masses?




Chloechloracetic acid