


[ bruhng ]


, Dialect.
  1. a past participle and simple past tense of bring.

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“These are the folks, as that saying goes up in Claymont, who ‘brung me to the dance,’” he said in a February visit to his campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, just 15 minutes south of Claymont, where he attended high school.

He told the United Auto Workers in Michigan that same month that they “brung me to the dance … and I never left you.”

Mr. Biden took a trip to Milwaukee on Wednesday to speak to the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce, where he told them, “You brung me to the dance.”

It’s an awkward dance with a porcupine, especially if it was the porcupine who brung you to the dance in the first place.

But until the wealthiest and most famous among us no longer have a pipeline to the attention that comes with celebrity, money, and the seemingly boundless power conferred upon those among us who design sneakers, we will dance with the Matryoshka dolls that brung us.

From Slate




