


  1. variant of branchio- before a vowel.

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Example Sentences

The mouth is provided with organs of mastication, the branchi are attached to the hind jaws, and the animals have but one eye.

Here again a glass is requisite to appreciate the delicacy and beauty of their locomotive organs, their branchi, and so on.

Within the sack, attached to its carino-lateral end, a folded membrane forms the branchi.

The Branchi, in E. plicatus, are well developed and moderately plicated.

Both folds of both branchi are deeply plicated on both sides; hence the superficies of the whole is very great.


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Words That Use Branchi-

What does branchi- mean?

Branchi- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “gills.” It is used in some scientific terms.

Branchi- comes from the Greek bránchia, meaning “gills,” plural of bránchion, “fin.” Bránchia is also the source of the English word branchia, meaning “gill.” Learn more at our entry for the word.

Branchi- is a variant of branchio-, which loses its -o– when combined with words or word elements beginning with vowels.

Want to know more? Read our Words That Use branchio- article.

Examples of branchi-

An example of a term from biology that features the combining form branchi- is branchiform, “shaped like a gill.”

As we have seen, the first part of the word, branchi-, means “gill.” The second part of the word, -form, is a combining form meaning “having the form of,” as you may have guessed. Branchiform literally translates to “gill-formed.”

What are some words that use the combining form branchi-?

What are some other forms that branchi- may be commonly confused with?

While they share the letters branchi-, the word branching and the combining form branchi- are not related. Find out where branch comes from at our entry for this word.

Break it down!

Based on the meaning branchi-, what does the adjective branchial mean?




branches of governmentbranchia