[ boild ]
Other Words From
- half-boiled adjective
- semi·boiled adjective
- un·boiled adjective
- well-boiled adjective
Example Sentences
For all his endless rambling nonsense, Donald Trump's message can be boiled down to a simple lie: If one group of people does well, it must necessarily be at the expense of another.
If some stars reached a career cruising altitude where they were identified by just one name — Prince, Madonna, Sting — Jones boiled it down to a single letter: Q.
While news outlets rushed to provide “fact-checking,” which boiled down to “None of this is true,” the country, already exhausted and traumatized by a pandemic, tried to contextualize the enormity of Trump’s actions.
The contents of the investigation were boiled down to nine slides for a public presentation — including a title page and one that said simply “Conclusion.”
But she said her decision boiled down to who she thought could help shake San Francisco’s post-pandemic economic malaise and alleviate fears of crime.