barium chloride
- a colorless, crystalline, water-soluble, poisonous solid, BaCl 2 ⋅2H 2 O, used chiefly in the synthesis of pigments and in the manufacture of rodenticides and pharmaceuticals.
Example Sentences
“Henri Becquerel has confirmed, by an unpleasant experience, the fact that the rays of radium have an energetic action on the skin. Having carried in his waistcoat pocket for about six hours a small sealed tube containing a few decigrammes of intensely active radiferous barium chloride, in ten days’ time a red mark corresponding to this tube was apparent on the skin; the skin peeled off and left a suppurating sore, which did not heal for a month.
A. This can only be done by first destroying the organic matter of the oil, and then examining the residue for the phosphates with the usual reagents—magnesia solution, barium chloride, nitrate of silver, ammonium molybdate, etc.
Barium chloride, digitalin, physostigmin, nicotin and other substances, as well as adrenalin, have been found to exert a selective toxic action on the muscle cells of the middle coat of the aorta.
Other drugs as adrenalin, barium chloride, physostigmin, etc., while producing experimental arteriosclerosis, hardly could produce the disease in man.
To the filtrate ammonia is added, and then barium chloride, which precipitates the sulphur as barium sulphate.