

View synonyms for austere


[ aw-steer ]


  1. severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict; forbidding:

    an austere teacher.

  2. rigorously self-disciplined and severely moral; ascetic; abstinent:

    the austere quality of life in the convent.

  3. grave; sober; solemn; serious:

    an austere manner.

  4. without excess, luxury, or ease; simple; limited; severe:

    an austere life.

    Antonyms: sybaritic, lush, comfortable, luxurious

  5. severely simple; without ornament:

    austere writing.

  6. rough to the taste; sour or harsh in flavor.


/ ɒˈstɪə /


  1. stern or severe in attitude or manner

    an austere schoolmaster

  2. grave, sober, or serious

    an austere expression

  3. self-disciplined, abstemious, or ascetic

    an austere life

  4. severely simple or plain

    an austere design

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Derived Forms

  • ausˈtereness, noun
  • ausˈterely, adverb

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Other Words From

  • aus·terely adverb
  • aus·tereness noun
  • unaus·tere adjective
  • unaus·terely adverb

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Word History and Origins

Origin of austere1

First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin austērus, from Greek austērós “harsh, rough, bitter”

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Word History and Origins

Origin of austere1

C14: from Old French austère, from Latin austērus sour, from Greek austēros astringent; related to Greek hauein to dry

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Synonym Study

Austere, bleak, spartan, stark all suggest lack of ornament or adornment and of a feeling of comfort or warmth. Austere usually implies a purposeful avoidance of luxury or ease: simple, stripped-down, austere surroundings. Bleak adds a sense of forbidding coldness, hopelessness, depression: a bleak, dreary, windswept plain. Spartan, somewhat more forceful than austere, implies stern discipline and rigorous, even harsh, avoidance of all that is not strictly functional: a life of Spartan simplicity. Stark shares with bleak a sense of grimness and desolation: the stark cliff face.

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Example Sentences

Il voyait, sans le moindre ressentiment, la figure austère de son père, conservateur des hypothèques.

Round, rosy, potelée, she yet had not the temperament of her appearance; she was a femme austère—I made up my mind to that.



