


[ an-ee ]


  1. a first name, form of Ann, Anna, or Anne.

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She is on the boards of a slew of top Democratic groups, including Annie’s List, which encourages liberal women to run for office, and UltraViolet, a women’s rights group.

Annie is all brains and Cassie is all emotion, but as we get to know them, we understand that these two are best-suited to each other, making their friendship meaningful.

From Vox

She also loves Annie, another doll that she considers Wickley’s twin sister.

What better place to sit down and chat with Randy Downs than at Annie’s on 17th Street, itself an institution, a significant strip in Downs’ Dupont ANC constituency.

He and his wife, Annie, said that the officers never identified themselves and that they thought someone was trying to break into their home.

Annie Lee Cooper, well played by Winfrey, is shown trying but failing to register to vote.

We recently saw that very thing with the new “Annie” movie because a black actress played Annie.

RELATED: Annie Leibovitz's 'Pilgrimage' (Photos) The subjects for Pilgrimage, on the other hand, are intimate objects.

Annie Leibovitz had hit a pretty rough patch in life by 2009.

And if anyone's entitled to such sweet dreams, it's Annie Lennox.

He was musical too, and would sing Annie Laurie for you at any time, accompanying himself on the piano.

Yo warnt one ob de oberflowin kind, Miss Annie, admitted the old black woman.

Annie had hardly retired, when—a little shyly—the boys entered, uncertain of their reception.

We had no molds, but Annie said the latest style in Natchez was to make a waxen rope by dipping, then wrap it round a corn-cob.

I been always first whalin' skipper out o' Homeport, and—don't you see my meanin', Annie?





An NhonAnnie Oakley