United Kingdom
- a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801–1922. 94,242 sq. mi. (244,100 sq. km). : London. : U.K.
United Kingdom
- a kingdom of NW Europe, consisting chiefly of the island of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland: became the world's leading colonial power in the 18th century; the first country to undergo the Industrial Revolution. It became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1921, after the rest of Ireland became autonomous as the Irish Free State. Primarily it is a trading nation, the chief exports being manufactured goods; joined the Common Market (now the European Union) in January 1973. Official language: English; Gaelic, Welsh, and other minority languages. Religion: Christian majority. Currency: pound sterling. Capital: London. Pop: 63 395 574 (2013 est). Area: 244 110 sq km (94 251 sq miles) UK See also Great Britain
United Kingdom
- Part of the official name of the British nation; the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland . It includes England , Scotland , Wales , and six counties of Ireland , ruled by the king or queen of England, and represented in the nation's parliament .
Example Sentences
With some Arctic air heading our way from Sunday, some parts of the United Kingdom could see their first wintry weather.
The read-out of the call from No10 also seeks to leverage "President-elect Trump’s close connections and affinity to the United Kingdom" - his mum was born on the Hebridean island of Lewis.
Nigel Farage, Reform UK leader and a friend of Trump, said the president-elect was a "genuine friend of the United Kingdom" and urged the prime minister to "roll out the red carpet" for him.
Among the top destinations for American emigrants are Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom.
In October, Trump shared his view on Scottish independence on a podcast, saying he hopes the United Kingdom "always stays together".