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[ kwon-tuhm ]


, plural quan·ta [kwon, -t, uh].
  1. quantity or amount:

    the least quantum of evidence.

  2. a particular amount.
  3. a share or portion.
  4. a large quantity; bulk.
  5. Physics.
    1. the smallest quantity of radiant energy, equal to Planck's constant times the frequency of the associated radiation.
    2. the fundamental unit of a quantized physical magnitude, as angular momentum.


  1. sudden and significant:

    a quantum increase in productivity.


/ ˈkwɒntəm /


  1. physics
    1. the smallest quantity of some physical property, such as energy, that a system can possess according to the quantum theory
    2. a particle with such a unit of energy
  2. amount or quantity, esp a specific amount
  3. often used with a negative the least possible amount that can suffice

    there is not a quantum of evidence for your accusation

  4. something that can be quantified or measured
  5. modifier loosely, sudden, spectacular, or vitally important

    a quantum improvement

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ kwŏntəm /

, Plural quanta

  1. A discrete, indivisible manifestation of a physical property, such as a force or angular momentum. Some quanta take the form of elementary particles; for example, the quantum of electromagnetic radiation is the photon, while the quanta of the weak force are the W and Z particles.
  2. See also quantum state
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Word History and Origins

Origin of quantum1

1610–20; noun use of neuter of Latin quantus how much
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Word History and Origins

Origin of quantum1

C17: from Latin quantus (adj) how much





Quantrillquantum bit