/ ˈpʌpɪtrɪ /
- the art of making and manipulating puppets and presenting puppet shows
- unconvincing or specious presentation
Example Sentences
Some members in the audience showed up in costume but none could compete with the wondrously weird mélange of butoh dance, shadow puppetry, ghosts of various varieties, nurses seeming straight out of horror films along with models, tormented and otherwise.
In the last year, membership has spiked at the Los Angeles Guild of Puppetry.
She also knows the kinds of people who populate the area, sending Janet and Lacy at one point to a midsummer mystical theatrical presentation, complete with larger-than-life puppetry, after which everyone is implored to take home all the extra zucchini the group grew by accident.
But this is not a story about children’s television, though the details of the production and the puppetry are convincing enough.
The man gave the role of Queen Amidala to Natalie Portman, an actor who went on to win a best actress Oscar in the same year as “Field Trip,” and dulled down her abilities to the level of taxidermied fish puppetry.