

View synonyms for note


[ noht ]


  1. a brief record of something written down to assist the memory or for future reference.

    Synonyms: minute, memorandum

  2. notes, a record or outline of a speech, statement, testimony, etc., or of one's impressions of something.
  3. an explanatory or critical comment, or a reference to some authority quoted, appended to a passage in a book or the like:

    a note on the origin of the phrase.

    Synonyms: annotation, commentary

  4. a brief written or printed statement giving particulars or information.
  5. Library Science. additional information about a work, such as its special series or some other significant identification, included on the library catalog entry.
  6. a short, informal letter:

    a thank-you note.

  7. a formal diplomatic or official communication in writing:

    a note delivered by the ambassador.

  8. a paper acknowledging a debt and promising payment; promissory note.
  9. a certificate, as of a government or a bank, accepted as money.

    Synonyms: bill

  10. eminence, distinction, or reputation:

    a man of note.

    Synonyms: name, renown, fame, celebrity, repute

  11. importance or consequence:

    few events of particular note.

  12. notice, observation, or heed:

    to take note of warning signs; to be worthy of note.

  13. a characteristic or distinguishing feature:

    a note of whimsy in the design of the house.

  14. a mark, quality, or indication of something, especially as a submerged but ubiquitous element:

    There was just a note of bitterness in his films.

  15. a characteristic way of speaking or thinking:

    His critics had begun to change their note.

  16. a signal, announcement, or intimation:

    a note of warning in her voice.

  17. Music.
    1. a sign or character used to represent a tone, its position and form indicating the pitch and duration of the tone.
    2. a key, as of a piano.
  18. a tone sounded on a musical instrument.
  19. a musical sound or tone.
  20. a melody, tune, or song.
  21. a sound of musical quality, as one uttered by a bird:

    attentive to the thrush's note.

  22. any call, cry, or sound of a bird, fowl, etc.
  23. a new or unexpected element in a situation.
  24. a mark or sign, as of punctuation, used in writing or printing.

verb (used with object)

, not·ed, not·ing.
  1. to write or mark down briefly; make a memorandum of:

    to note the places of interest.

    Synonyms: record, register

  2. to make particular mention of in a writing:

    She noted their extra efforts in her report.

  3. to observe carefully; give attention or heed to:

    Note the fine brushwork in this painting.

  4. to take notice of; perceive:

    We noted his concern at the announcement.

    Synonyms: remark, spot, see

  5. to set down in or furnish with musical notes.
  6. to indicate or designate; signify; denote.

    Synonyms: mention


/ nəʊt /


  1. a brief summary or record in writing, esp a jotting for future reference
  2. a brief letter, usually of an informal nature
  3. a formal written communication, esp from one government to another
  4. a short written statement giving any kind of information
  5. a critical comment, explanatory statement, or reference in the text of a book, often preceded by a number
  6. short for banknote
  7. a characteristic element or atmosphere

    a note of sarcasm

  8. a distinctive vocal sound, as of a species of bird or animal

    the note of the nightingale

  9. any of a series of graphic signs representing a musical sound whose pitch is indicated by position on the stave and whose duration is indicated by the sign's shape
  10. Also called (esp US and Canadian)tone a musical sound of definite fundamental frequency or pitch
  11. a key on a piano, organ, etc
  12. a sound, as from a musical instrument, used as a signal or warning

    the note to retreat was sounded

  13. short for promissory note
  14. archaic.
    a tune or melody
  15. of note
    1. distinguished or famous

      an athlete of note

    2. worth noticing or paying attention to; important

      nothing of note

  16. strike the right note
    to behave appropriately
  17. strike a false note
    to behave inappropriately
  18. take note
    often foll by of to observe carefully; pay close attention (to)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. to notice; perceive

    he noted that there was a man in the shadows

  2. to pay close attention to; observe

    they noted every movement

  3. to make a written note or memorandum of

    she noted the date in her diary

  4. to make particular mention of; remark upon

    I note that you do not wear shoes

  5. to write down (music, a melody, etc) in notes
  6. to take (an unpaid or dishonoured bill of exchange) to a notary public to re-present the bill and if it is still unaccepted or unpaid to note the circumstances in a register See protest
  7. a less common word for annotate
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • ˈnoteless, adjective
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Other Words From

  • noter noun
  • pre·note noun verb (used with object) prenoted prenoting
  • subnote noun
  • under·note noun
  • un·noting adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of note1

First recorded in 1175–1225; (for the noun) Middle English, from Old French, from Medieval Latin nota “sign for musical tone,” in Latin: “mark, sign, lettering”; verb derivative of the noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of note1

C13: via Old French from Latin nota sign, indication
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Idioms and Phrases

  1. compare notes, to exchange views, ideas, or impressions:

    The returning tourists were sitting on the sun deck comparing notes.

More idioms and phrases containing note

see bread and butter letter (note) ; compare notes ; make a note of ; of note ; strike the right note ; take note ; take notes .
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Synonym Study

See remark.
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Example Sentences

An ace comedic turn that, in lesser hands, would come off as one-note.

Note: UNICOR uses its inmates for everything from call center operators to human demolishers of old computers.

Now on a lighter note, with Selma, you did get Oprah to throw a mean haymaker.

Note: This piece was updated to reflect that Mrs. Landingham died while Aaron Sorkin was still writing The West Wing.

From this louche improbable source pours music of sublime beauty without one false note.

Accordingly, the question "How far does the note issue under the new system seem likely to prove an elastic one?"

He used to walk through the park, and note with pleasure the care that his father bestowed on the gigantic property.

Which latter circumstance he begged Mr. Perker to note, with a glowing countenance and many marks of indignation.

Of Liszt the first part of this is not true, for if he strikes a wrong note it is simply because he chooses to be careless.

And it is small consolation to me to note that most people's minds seem to be no better done than mine.


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Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.




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