

View synonyms for informally


[ in-fawr-muh-lee ]


  1. in a casual manner, without formality:

    Some folks still dress to the nines in formal gowns and tuxedos, but most people dress more informally.

  2. in a way that does not involve or follow prescribed procedures or go through formal or official channels:

    Cases of minor misconduct or unsatisfactory performance are usually best dealt with informally.

  3. in a way that is not orchestrated or arranged:

    Hallways and pedestrian bridges joining the buildings provide spaces for researchers to interact informally.

  4. using familiar, casual, or ordinary speech or writing:

    We use different registers, speaking more informally with family and friends out of the classroom than when discussing academics within the classroom.

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Example Sentences

At best, Grimes is informally shooting trap, which features only one target-launching device.

Once in London, Frederick presented himself as a fashionable man about town, entertaining freely and informally.

The couple who raised Maria claimed she was informally adopted from a mother who could not cope.

The Manhassets, who were native to the region, were also enslaved, but “more informally,” Griswold said.

Schmitt watched English-language movies, and sought out a native speaker to converse with informally.

She shook hands approvingly with the young American and asked her to come over informally to luncheon on the morrow.

When the Committee rose Sir Michael engaged me, informally, in conversation for a little while.

Nicolas Francken if the evidence showed him to have been guilty of any of the crimes informally alleged against him.

They attended church with exemplary formality, and flirted informally during service with the village beaux.

However informally the preliminaries had been conducted, the conclusion seemed to be eminently satisfactory.





informalityinformal settlement