

View synonyms for populace


[ pop-yuh-luhs ]


  1. the common people of a community, nation, etc., as distinguished from the higher classes.
  2. all the inhabitants of a place; population.


/ ˈpɒpjʊləs /


  1. the inhabitants of an area
  2. the common people; masses

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Word History and Origins

Origin of populace1

1565–75; < French < Italian popolaccio, equivalent to popol ( o ) people + -accio pejorative suffix

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Word History and Origins

Origin of populace1

C16: via French from Italian popolaccio the common herd, from popolo people, from Latin populus

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Example Sentences

He proposed among other things that police departments must better reflect the ethnic makeup of the populace.

In Revolution, Brand bemoans our “uninformed populace,” while repeatedly proving his point with fantastically wrong information.

He studied our use of language and the way that words are manipulated to manipulate the populace.

In order for the populace to lead balanced and productive lives, manipulative forces must provide scripted risk.

The Muslim populace who love and support you will never find palatable...the scenes of slaughtering the hostages.

He was accustomed, at his return, or issuing from his gates, to be hailed and lackied by the acclamations of the populace.

The populace was greatly excited, and a crowded house greeted his appearance.

He was the man made for the time—precisely the middle term between the reign of the nobility and the reign of the populace.

The Jacobins now made a direct and infamous attempt to turn the rage of the populace against Madame Roland.

Luckily, the time fixed for the revolution passed over, without the populace fulfilling its threats.



