


  1. a combining form meaning “coitus, lust” used in the formation of compound words:


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Word History and Origins

Origin of -lagnia1

From Greek lagneía


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Words That Use -lagnia

What does -lagnia mean?

The combining form -lagnia is used like a suffix meaning “sexual intercourse, lust.” The form -lagnia is very occasionally used in medical terms, especially in psychiatry.

The form -lagnia comes from Greek lagneía, meaning “sex” or “lasciviousness.” The Latin equivalent of lagneía is lascīvia, meaning “playfulness” or “lustfulness,” which is the source of lascivious.

Examples of -lagnia

One example of a psychiatric term that uses the form -lagnia is coprolagnia, “sexual arousal that is produced by the thought or sight of feces.”

The copro- part of the word means “dung,” from Greek kópros. The -lagnia part of the word means “lust.” Coprolagnia literally translates to “dung lust.”

What are some words that use the combining form -lagnia?

What are some other forms that -lagnia may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

The combining form zoo- means “animal.” With that in mind, what does zoolagnia mean?




lag linelagniappe