

View synonyms for impersonate


[ verb im-pur-suh-neyt; adjective im-pur-suh-nit ]

verb (used with object)

, im·per·son·at·ed, im·per·son·at·ing.
  1. to assume the character or appearance of; pretend to be:

    He was arrested for impersonating a police officer.

  2. to mimic the voice, mannerisms, etc., of (a person) in order to entertain.
  3. to act or play the part of; personate.
  4. Archaic. to represent in personal or bodily form; personify; typify.


, Archaic or Literary.
  1. embodied in a person; invested with personality.


/ ɪmˈpɜːsəˌneɪt /


  1. to pretend to be (another person)
  2. to imitate the character, mannerisms, etc, of (another person)
  3. rare.
    to play the part or character of
  4. an archaic word for personify

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Derived Forms

  • imˌpersonˈation, noun
  • imˈpersonˌator, noun

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Other Words From

  • im·per·son·a·tion [im-pur-s, uh, -, ney, -sh, uh, n], noun

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Word History and Origins

Origin of impersonate1

First recorded in 1615–25; im- 1 + person + -ate 1

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Example Sentences

The truth is that anyone in the world could impersonate me, and there is little I can do about it.

A lonely young woman gets drawn into an online forum and is asked to impersonate someone else.

But how often does someone impersonate a voter or cast multiple ballots?

Say one thing for former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, he certainly has the right hair to impersonate Elvis.

Con artists routinely hack into accounts to impersonate people and bilk money from strangers.

Thus did Dante impersonate the worship of Venus Urania,--spiritual tenderness overcoming sensual desire.

It is impossible that all the children should sympathetically impersonate the same character and realize the same experience.

Travis, look around this room and see if you can identify the man that hired you to impersonate Herbert Whitmore!

She could impersonate Gypsy Nan; she could not, if she would, impersonate the woman who was dead!

At one moment she might be trying to impersonate Ajax defying the lightning; in the next she is apparently fleeing from a satyr.



