

View synonyms for sleeping


[ slee-ping ]


  1. the condition of being asleep.


  1. of, relating to, or having accommodations for sleeping:

    a sleeping compartment.

  2. used to sleep in or on:

    a sleeping jacket.

  3. used to induce or aid sleep or while asleep:

    sleeping mask.

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Other Words From

  • un·sleeping adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of sleeping1

Middle English word dating back to 1250–1300; sleep, -ing 1, -ing 2

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Example Sentences

I was told before my first trip that no city in the world offered the dreams you could have sleeping in Havana.

The Amy Pascal Manifesto: Aaron Sorkin Broke, Sleeping with Co-Worker?

As the agents apprehended and detained the man, the dog remained unleashed, and ran down the hill to where Marino was sleeping.

The seven-year-old Detroit girl was sleeping on the couch as her grandmother sat next to her watching television.

The robots can slice through stone and rough out vast blocks of stone while the artisans are sleeping.

The reveillée of the sleeping Mexicans was the discharge of our two field-pieces loaded with canister.

In truth, it was so intently engaged with a sleeping seal that it had not observed the approach of the sledge.

There was a deep silence throughout the whole bivouac; some were sleeping, and those who watched were in no humour for idle chat.

I have fed and slept at inns, living on the worst of fares and sleeping on the hardest, and hardly the cleanest, of beds.

Some of them, more imaginative, declared that Mrs. Charmington was even a sleeping partner in the saponaceous firm.


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