


[ al-muh; French al-mah ]


  1. a town in southeastern Quebec, in southeastern Canada.
  2. a first name: from a Latin word meaning “kind.”

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Example Sentences

He is survived by wife Alma, with whom he celebrated nearly 60 years of marriage, as well as three children and two grandchildren.

His wife, Alma, had mused publicly and without an ounce of irony what it would be like to watch her husband gunned down.

From Time

Powell’s wife, Alma, acknowledged the concern, but both denied it was a deciding factor.

The deer startle when they spot Alma, and Tom explains that they have no fear of him because he doesn’t smell like a human.

From Time

The next morning—Tom doesn’t need to sleep, though he pretends to—Alma awakens to a fully tidied apartment.

From Time

During his early attempts to become a director, he met Alma Reville, an English girl just one day younger than himself.

In 1945 or 1946, Hitch and Alma were in New York with Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman, on a publicity tour.

Alma had admired them during a stay in Paris some years ago.

When the screening was over, Hitch asked Alma what she thought.

Since he doesn't have to impress me, it's clearly a little show for Alma.

So, we fancy, warriors might speak of our heavy cavalry as we see them in barracks and as they saw them at Alma.

"Oh, but I'm sure she won't be half bad when we come to know her," cried Alma Lane.

Then she colored painfully: behind her she heard Tilly's laughing voice, followed by Alma's lower one, and Harold's.

Cordelia was making the tassel for one corner, and Alma Lane one for another.

You surely must have forgotten that poor Alma is a stranger, in a strange land, while you are at home, in your father's house.




