


[ al-uhn ]


  1. a first name.

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Lorber, who declined an interview for this story, wrote via email that Allan has been a “leader” in adoption marketing.

From Time

They included sexist comments like the ones that prompted Allan to post, but there were also direct accusations of sexual harassment and assault as well as descriptions of deeply toxic workplaces.

From Eater

Hundreds of accounts poured in and Allan anonymized and shared them on her Instagram stories.

From Eater

Information about Allan’s attorney was not immediately available.

Allan says eDNA has even greater potential if used in tandem with other methods like this one.

In the U.S, Allan Kaprow, an artist pupil of John Cage, came up with the word “Happening” in 1957.

Lewis Carroll, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Edgar Allan Poe, and Vincent van Gogh all likely experienced the condition.

“Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear,” wrote Edgar Allan Poe.

Their stories were narrated by Allan McLeod, Amber Ruffin, and Morgan Murphy.

Allan Mayer, American Apparel's co-chair, seemingly laughed at Charney's plea, labeling him "a dreamer."

He would come back again with such honours as Allan Ernescliffe had brought, and oh!

Named after Mr. Allan Cunningham, the botanist of the expedition.

“That is a fast boat, and we can never catch her in plain sailing,” said Allan Harding.

But Allan Cunningham, writing in 1833, described her as still living.

I no sooner lost sight of dear Allan than I am told that I shall see him no more!




