

View synonyms for was


[ wuhz, woz; unstressed wuhz ]


  1. first and third person singular past indicative of be.


/ wɒz; wəz /


  1. the past tense (indicative mood) of be 1
  2. not_standard.
    a form of the subjunctive mood used in place of were, esp in conditional sentences

    if the film was to be with you, would you be able to process it?

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of was1

First recorded before 950; Middle English; Old English wæs, past tense singular of wesan “to be”; cognate with Old Frisian, Old High German, Gothic was, Old Norse var; wassail
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Word History and Origins

Origin of was1

Old English wæs, from wesan to be; related to Old Frisian, Old High German was, Old Norse var
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Example Sentences

Katherine Doyle: “The news says there was/has been a homicide in Danvers High School.”

And Texas was/is on its way to becoming a swing state by 2024 or so, so this could have an impact on that.

The good count was/is a local big shot and benefactor, but I can't seem to find out anything else about him.

Let's not lose sight of the other leg--the I-was-CEO-I-wasn't-in-charge-I-retired-retroactively-but-I-still-got-paid leg.

I could not make out what it was, for the wind-was rustling the corn-shocks, but I arose and feigned to listen.

Mr. Newdegate was a hard-mouthed witness, but he-was saddled, bridled, and ridden to the winning-post.

Everything else-even endowments given by private persons a few years before the Act was passed-was swept away.

Burckhardt was on that 8:51 bus, every morning of every day-that-was-June-15th, never different by a hair or a moment.

He is a most capable and felicitous talker-was born for an orator, I think.





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