

View synonyms for got


[ got ]


  1. a simple past tense and past participle of get.

auxiliary verb

  1. Informal. must; have got (followed by an infinitive).


/ ɡɒt /


  1. the past tense and past participle of get
  2. have got
    1. to possess

      he has got three apples

    2. takes an infinitive used as an auxiliary to express compulsion felt to be imposed by or upon the speaker

      I've got to get a new coat

  3. have got it bad or have got it badly informal.
    to be infatuated
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Usage Note

See get.
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Example Sentences

Hair Cressida: Tousled, shoulder-length, just-got-out-of-bed blonde mop.

Cara: Tousled, shoulder-length, just-got-out-of-bed blonde mop.

Let's not lose sight of the other leg--the I-was-CEO-I-wasn't-in-charge-I-retired-retroactively-but-I-still-got-paid leg.

Timothy Geithner has become America's latest if-only-we-got-rid-of-him-it'd-all-be-better bogeyman.

But what I can see is that Geithner has become America's latest if-only-we-got-rid-of-him-it'd-all-be-better bogeyman.

And a handsomely got-up pamphlet, illustrated with woodcuts, was placed in my hands, and I began to study the pages.

Smart, well-got-up young fellow, with a taste for the good things of life, but a trifle thin in the wearing parts.

This is taking the wise in their own craftiness, I reckon: and richly you deserve to lose all your ill-got hoard.

There's not an avenin' but I thinks to meself: Now, me dear, yu've a-got one more to fennish, an' then yu'll 'eve yore cup o' tea.

The handsome and expensively got-up publications inaugurated by Mr. Ackermann, began to occupy our artist in 1799.





go straightGöta