
View synonyms for dip



[ dip ]

verb (used with object)

, dipped or (Archaic) dipt [dipt]; dip·ping.
  1. to plunge (something, as a cloth or sponge) temporarily into a liquid, so as to moisten it, dye it, or cause it to take up some of the liquid:

    He dipped the brush into the paint bucket.

    Synonyms: duck

  2. to raise or take up by a bailing, scooping, or ladling action:

    to dip water out of a boat; to dip ice cream from a container.

    Synonyms: scoop

  3. to lower and raise:

    to dip a flag in salutation.

  4. to immerse (a sheep, hog, etc.) in a solution to destroy germs, parasites, or the like.
  5. to make (a candle) by repeatedly plunging a wick into melted tallow or wax.
  6. Nautical. to lower and rehoist (a yard of a lugsail) when coming about in tacking.
  7. Archaic. to baptize by immersion.
  8. Obsolete. to moisten or wet as if by immersion.

verb (used without object)

, dipped or (Archaic) dipt [dipt]; dip·ping.
  1. to plunge into water or other liquid and emerge quickly:

    The boat dipped into the waves.

    Synonyms: dive

  2. to put the hand, a dipper, etc., down into a liquid or a container, especially in order to remove something (often followed by in or into ):

    He dipped into the jar for an olive.

  3. to withdraw something, especially in small amounts (usually followed by in or into ):

    to dip into savings.

  4. to sink or drop down:

    The sun dipped below the horizon.

  5. to incline or slope downward:

    At that point the road dips into a valley.

  6. to decrease slightly or temporarily:

    Stock-market prices often dip on Fridays.

  7. to engage slightly in a subject (often followed by in or into ):

    to dip into astronomy.

  8. to read here and there in a book, subject, or author's work (often followed by in or into ):

    to dip into Plato.

  9. South Midland and Southern U.S. to take snuff.


  1. the act of dipping.
  2. that which is taken up by dipping.
  3. a quantity taken up by dipping; the amount that a scoop, ladle, dipper, etc., will hold.
  4. a scoop of ice cream.
  5. Chiefly Northern U.S. a liquid or soft substance into which something is dipped.
  6. a creamy mixture of savory foods for scooping with potato chips, crackers, and the like, often served as an hors d'oeuvre, especially with cocktails.
  7. a momentary lowering; a sinking down.
  8. a moderate or temporary decrease:

    a dip in stock-market prices.

  9. a downward extension, inclination, slope, or course.
  10. the amount of such extension.
  11. a hollow or depression in the land.
  12. a brief swim:

    She took a dip in the ocean and then sat on the beach for an hour.

  13. Geology, Mining. the downward inclination of a vein or stratum with reference to the horizontal.
  14. the angular amount by which the horizon lies below the level of the eye.
  15. Also called angle of dip,. the angle that a freely rotating magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon.
  16. a short, downward plunge, as of an airplane.
  17. a candle made by repeatedly dipping a wick into melted tallow or wax.
  18. Gymnastics. an exercise on the parallel bars in which the elbows are bent until the chin is on a level with the bars, and then the body is elevated by straightening the arms.
  19. Slang. a pickpocket.



[ dip ]


, Slang.



[ dip ]


, Slang.
  1. a naive, foolish, or obnoxious person.



[ dip ]


, Computers.
  1. a packaged chip that connects to a circuit board by means of pins.



/ dɪp /


  1. to plunge or be plunged quickly or briefly into a liquid, esp to wet or coat
  2. intr to undergo a slight decline, esp temporarily

    sales dipped in November

  3. intr to slope downwards

    the land dips towards the river

  4. intr to sink or appear to sink quickly

    the sun dipped below the horizon

  5. tr to switch (car headlights) from the main to the lower beam US and Canadian worddim
  6. tr
    1. to immerse (poultry, sheep, etc) briefly in a liquid chemical to rid them of or prevent infestation by insects, etc
    2. to immerse (grain, vegetables, or wood) in a preservative liquid
  7. tr to stain or dye by immersing in a liquid
  8. tr to baptize (someone) by immersion
  9. tr to plate or galvanize (a metal, etc) by immersion in an electrolyte or electrolytic cell
  10. tr to scoop up a liquid or something from a liquid in the hands or in a container
  11. to lower or be lowered briefly

    she dipped her knee in a curtsy

  12. tr to make (a candle) by plunging the wick into melted wax
  13. intr to plunge a container, the hands, etc, into something, esp to obtain or retrieve an object

    he dipped in his pocket for money

  14. intr; foll by in or into to dabble (in); play (at)

    he dipped into black magic

  15. intr (of an aircraft) to drop suddenly and then regain height
  16. intr (of a rock stratum or mineral vein) to slope downwards from the horizontal
  17. introften foll byfor (in children's games) to select (a leader, etc) by reciting any of various rhymes
  18. slang.
    tr to pick (a person's) pocket
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. the act of dipping or state of being dipped
  2. a brief swim in water
    1. any liquid chemical preparation in which poultry, sheep, etc are dipped
    2. any liquid preservative into which objects, esp of wood, are dipped
  3. a preparation of dyeing agents into which fabric is immersed
  4. a depression, esp in a landscape
  5. something taken up by dipping
  6. a container used for dipping; dipper
  7. a momentary sinking down
  8. the angle of slope of rock strata, fault planes, etc, from the horizontal plane
  9. Also calledangle of dipmagnetic dipinclination the angle between the direction of the earth's magnetic field and the plane of the horizon; the angle that a magnetic needle free to swing in a vertical plane makes with the horizontal
  10. a creamy mixture into which pieces of food are dipped before being eaten
  11. surveying the angular distance of the horizon below the plane of observation
  12. a candle made by plunging a wick repeatedly into wax
  13. a momentary loss of altitude when flying
  14. (in gymnastics) a chinning exercise on the parallel bars
  15. a slang word for pickpocket
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



abbreviation for

  1. diploma
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ dĭp /

  1. The downward inclination of a rock stratum or vein in reference to the plane of the horizon.

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Other Words From

  • dip·pa·ble adjective noun
  • un·dipped adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of dip1

First recorded before 1000; Middle English verb dippen, duppen “to dip, moisten, plunge,” Old English dyppan “to baptize”; akin to German taufen “to baptize,” and to deep

Origin of dip2

First recorded in 1910–15; by shortening

Origin of dip3

First recorded in 1925–30; probably back formation from dippy

Origin of dip4

d(ual) i(n-line) p(ackage)
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Word History and Origins

Origin of dip1

Old English dyppan; related to Old High German tupfen to wash, German taufen to baptize; see deep
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Idioms and Phrases

  1. at the dip, Nautical. not fully raised; halfway up the halyard: Compare close ( def 70b ).

    an answering pennant flown at the dip.

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Synonym Study

Dip, immerse, plunge refer to putting something into liquid. To dip is to put down into a liquid quickly or partially and lift out again: to dip a finger into water to test the temperature. Immerse denotes a lowering into a liquid until covered by it: to immerse meat in salt water. Plunge adds a suggestion of force or suddenness to the action of dipping: to plunge a chicken into boiling water before stripping off the feathers.
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Example Sentences

These brave souls took an icy dip in the ocean to ring in 2015 and raise money for charity.

Kirkman does dip into metaphor here, as telephones are a symbol of our connection with one another.

It was a slight dip in the demo or a slight dip in the total audience.

In fact, 40 percent of adults will dip below the poverty line at some point in their lives.

Meathead spat another long stream of dip juice into the wedding china.

Thank you for nothing, Reginald; however, I shall certainly take a dip in the lucky-bag at the Castle.

I'll take a dip myself, just to be companionable, and tomorrow morning we can get back to any size you like.

Night, high on her spangled throne, watches the sun dip down behind the Libyan sands.

The dip of the south end of the needle at Goulburn Island was 27 degrees 32 1/2 minutes.

In eating bread with meat, never dip it into the gravy on your plate, and then bite the end off.


Related Words

Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.



