


[ al-fee ]


  1. a first name, form of Alfred.

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I like to see the beauty and good in most things, until something gives me a reason not to—that’s where myself and Alfie differ.

From Time

Obviously, because of that background, Alfie’s a little cynical when it comes to the romance of Paris, but by the end, he’s fallen in love with both Emily and the city.

From Time

As far as getting into character, Alfie’s role is to capture the sense of being lonely in a city.

From Time

It sounds like you’ve adopted Emily’s attitude about Paris in real life, rather than Alfie’s.

From Time

Well, during the first season Alfie, Richard, and several of the men got naked—although not all the way.

Expect to leave the tribute happily humming the haunting notes of “Alfie” and not minding any raindrops falling on your head.

I would have to say that the importance of what “Alfie” says, its meaning.

Or a song like “Alfie,” the lyrics came first because it had to be about what the movie was about.

After Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen) lay siege to Winterfell in Season 2, he was betrayed by his own men and Winterfell was burned.

Alfie, our housekeeper, had gone out for the day, and we had no expectation of her being able to return through such a snow-storm.

Alfie took copious notes, occasionally interrupting Tom or Roger or Astro to ask a pointed question.

They talked for nearly four hours before Alfie was finally satisfied that he knew all the facts.

Alfie looked at Roger calmly and in a clear voice asked, "Cadet Manning, did you strike the first blow?"

The three cadets surrounded little Alfie and pommeled him playfully in their joy at seeing another cadet.




