- trisect
- trisepalous
- triseptate
- triserial
- trishaw
- triskaidekaphobia
- triskelion
- trismus
- trisoctahedron
- trisodium
- trisodium phosphate
- trisome
- trisomic
- trisomy
- trisomy 13
- trisomy 21
- trispast
- trispermous
- tristate
- triste
- tristearin
- tristeza
- tristful
- tristich
- tristichous
- tristimulus values
- tristylous
- trisubstituted
- trisulfide
- trisulphide
- trisyllable
- trit.
- tritagonist
- tritanopia
- trite
- tritheism
- trithing
- tritiate
- triticale
- triticum
- tritium
- tritoma
- triton
- tritone
- tritonia
- triturable
- triturate
- trituration
- triumph
- triumphal
- triumphal arch
- triumphalism
- triumphant
- triumphantly
- triumvir
- triumvirate
- triune
- triunitarian
- triunity
- trivalent
- trivalve
- trivet
- trivia
- trivial
- trivial name
- trivialism
- triviality
- trivialize
- trivium
- triweekly
- triˈchromaˌtism
- troat
- trobar clus
- trocar
- troch.
- trochaic
- trochal
- trochanter
- troche
- trochee
- trochelminth
- trochilus
- trochlea
- trochlear
- trochlear nerve
- trochoid
- trochophore
- trod
- trodden
- trode
- troffer
- trog
- troglobiont
- troglodyte
- trogon
- troika
- troilism
- troilite
- troilus butterfly
- trois
- troke
- troll
- trolley
- trolley bus
- trolley car
- trolley dolly
- trolley line
- trolleybus
- trolleyed
- trolleys
- trollius
- trollop
- trolls
- trolly
- tromba marina
- trombiculiasis
- trombidiasis
- trombone
- trommel
- tromp
- trompe
- trompe l'oeil
- tron
- trona
- tronc
- trondhjemite
- trone
- tronk
- troop
- troop carrier
- trooper
- troopship
- troostite
- trop
- trop-
- trop.
- tropaeolin
- tropaeolum
- tropaeum
- tropaion
- trope
- troph-
- trophaeum
- trophallaxis
- trophi
- trophic
- trophic level
- trophied
- tropho-
- trophoblast
- trophoplasm
- trophosome
- trophozoite
- trophy
- trophy room
- trophy wife
- tropic
- tropic bird
- tropical
- tropical aquarium
- tropical cyclone
- tropical depression
- tropical disturbance
- tropical fish
- tropical medicine
- tropical storm
- tropical year
- tropicalize
- tropicbird
- tropine
- tropism
- tropo-
- tropology
- troponin
- troponin I
- tropopause
- tropophilous
- tropophyte
- troposphere
- tropospheric scatter
- tropotaxis
- troppo
- trot
- trot out
- troth
- trothplight
- trotline
- trotter
- trotting race
- trotty
- trotyl
- trou-de-loup
- troubadour
- troubadours
- trouble
- trouble man
- trouble one's head with
- trouble someone for
- trouble spot
- troubled waters
- troublemaker
- troubleproof
- troubleshoot
- troubleshooter
- troubleshooting
- troublesome
- troublous
- trouch
- trough
- trough roof
- trounce
- troupe
- trouper
- troupial
- trous-de-loup
- trouse
- trouser
- trouser suit
- trousers
- trousseau
- trout
- trout tickling
- troutperch
- trouvaille
- trouveur
- trouvère
- trove
- trover
- trow
- trowel
- troy
- troy weight
- trp
- trs
- truancy
- truant
- truant officer
- truantry
- truce
- truck
- truck bolster
- truck camper
- truck crop
- truck farm
- truck jobber
- truck racing
- truck stop
- truck system
- truck trailer
- truckage
- truckdriver
- trucker
- truckie
- trucking
- truckle
- truckle bed
- truckline
- truckload
- truckman
- truckstop
- truculence
- truculent
- trudge
- trudgen
- true
- true anomaly
- true believer
- true bill
- true blue
- true bug
- true colors
- true course
- true fruit
- true level
- true north
- true rhyme
- true rib
- true time
- true to
- true vocal cords
- true-blue
- true-born
- true-crime
- true-false test
- true-life
- trueborn
- truebred
- truehearted
- truelove
- truelove knot
- truepenny
- truff
- truffe
- truffle
- trug
- trugo
- truism
- trull
- trullo
- truly