- pre-election
- pre-embryo
- pre-eminent
- pre-empt
- pre-emption
- pre-emptive
- pre-exilian
- pre-existing
- pre-ignition
- pre-law
- preach
- preach to the choir
- preach to the converted
- preacher
- preacher curl
- preachify
- preaching
- preachment
- preachy
- preacquisition profit
- preadamite
- preadapt
- preadaptation
- preadmission
- preadolescence
- preadolescent
- preadult
- preallotment
- prealtar
- prealternate molt
- preamble
- preamp
- preamplifier
- preanesthetic
- preantiseptic
- preappoint
- preapprove
- prearrange
- prearranged
- preaseptic
- preatomic
- preaudit
- preauthorization
- preaxial
- prebasic molt
- prebend
- prebendary
- prebiological
- prebiotic
- prebiotics
- prebirth
- preboard
- prebuttal
- prec.
- precalculus
- precancel
- precancerous
- precariat
- precarious
- precariously
- precarity
- precast
- precatory
- precaution
- precautionary
- precautionary principle
- precautious
- precava
- precede
- preceded
- precedence
- precedency
- precedent
- precedented
- precedential
- precedently
- preceding
- precent
- precentor
- precept
- preceptive
- preceptor
- preceptory
- preceptress
- preceramic
- precess
- precession
- precession of the equinoxes
- precinct
- precincts
- preciosity
- precious
- precious coral
- precious few
- precious metal
- precious opal
- precious stone
- precipice
- precipitable
- precipitable water
- precipitancy
- precipitant
- precipitate
- precipitated
- precipitation
- precipitation hardening
- precipitin
- precipitinogen
- precipitous
- precis
- precise
- precisely
- precisian
- precision
- precision bombing
- precision casting
- precisionism
- precisive
- preclear
- preclearance
- preclimax
- preclinical
- preclude
- precluded
- precocial
- precocious
- precocity
- precognition
- precolonial
- precompose
- preconceive
- preconceived
- preconceived notion
- preconception
- preconcert
- precondemn
- precondition
- preconize
- preconquest
- preconscious
- preconsonantal
- precontract
- precook
- precool
- precrime
- precritical
- precursor
- precursory
- precut
- precycle
- pred.
- predacious
- predate
- predation
- predation pressure
- predatism
- predator
- predatory
- predatory pricing
- predawn
- predecease
- predecessor
- predella
- predeposit
- predesignate
- predestinarian
- predestinate
- predestination
- predestination paradox
- predestinator
- predestine
- predestined
- predeterminate
- predetermine
- predeterminer
- prediabetes
- predial
- predicable
- predicament
- predicant
- predicate
- predicate adjective
- predicate calculus
- predicate nominative
- predicate noun
- predicate objective
- predication
- predicative
- predicator
- predicatory
- predict
- predictability
- predictable
- prediction
- predictive
- predictor
- predictory
- predigest
- predikant
- predilect
- predilection
- predispose
- predisposed
- predisposition
- predistortion
- prednisolone
- prednisone
- predoctoral
- predominance
- predominant
- predominate
- predynastic
- pree
- preeclampsia
- preelection
- preemergence
- preemergent
- preemie
- preeminence
- preeminent
- preemphasis
- preemployment
- preempt
- preempted
- preemptible
- preemption
- preemptive
- preemptive right
- preemptive strike
- preemptively
- preen
- preen gland
- preengage
- preengineered
- preening
- preequalization
- preestablish
- preestablished harmony
- preexilian
- preexist
- preexposure
- pref.
- prefab
- prefabricate
- preface
- prefatory
- prefect
- prefect apostolic
- prefectorial
- prefecture
- prefecture apostolic
- prefer
- preferable
- preference
- preference share
- preference shares
- preference stock
- preferential
- preferential shop
- preferential voting
- preferment
- preferred gender pronoun
- preferred lie
- preferred ordinary shares
- preferred position
- preferred stock
- preferred-provider organization
- prefiguration
- prefigure
- prefinished
- prefix
- preflight
- preform
- preformation
- prefrontal
- prefrontal cortex
- prefrontal lobotomy
- pregame
- preggers
- preggy
- preglacial
- pregnable
- pregnancy
- pregnant
- preheat
- prehensible
- prehensile
- prehension
- prehistoric
- prehistory
- prehnite
- prehominid
- prehuman
- preignition
- preincarnation
- preincline
- preindicate
- preindustrial
- preinform
- preinvasive