- acid dye
- acid halide
- acid house
- acid metaprotein
- acid number
- acid precipitation
- acid radical
- acid rain
- acid reflux
- acid rock
- acid salt
- acid soil
- acid test
- acid test ratio
- acid trip
- acid value
- acid washing
- acid-base equilibrium
- acid-base indicator
- acid-fast
- acid-forming
- acid-head
- acid-loving
- acid-tongued
- acid-washed
- acidanthera
- acidhead
- acidic
- acidify
- acidimeter
- acidimetry
- acidity
- acidize
- acidogenic
- acidolysis
- acidometer
- acidophil
- acidophilic
- acidophilus milk
- acidosis
- acidulant
- acidulate
- acidulent
- acidulous
- aciduric
- acidy
- acierate
- aciform
- acinaceous
- acinaciform
- acinarious
- acinetobacter
- aciniform
- acinous
- acinus
- ack
- ack-ack
- ack-emma
- ack.
- ackee
- acker
- ackey
- acknowledge
- acknowledged
- acknowledgment
- acle
- acleistocardia
- aclinic line
- acme
- acme screw thread
- acmeism
- acmesthesia
- acmite
- acne
- acnegenic
- acnemia
- acnode
- acock
- acoelomate
- acoelous
- acoenaesthesia
- acold
- acolyte
- aconite
- acorn
- acorn barnacle
- acorn chair
- acorn clock
- acorn spoon
- acorn squash
- acorn tube
- acorn valve
- acorn worm
- acotyledon
- acouasm
- acouchi
- acousma
- acoustic
- acoustic coupler
- acoustic feature
- acoustic feedback
- acoustic guitar
- acoustic impedance
- acoustic mine
- acoustic nerve
- acoustic neuroma
- acoustic ohm
- acoustic phonetics
- acoustic reactance
- acoustic resistance
- acoustic shock
- acoustic spectrography
- acoustic theodolite
- acoustic torpedo
- acoustical cloud
- acoustical surveillance
- acoustical tile
- acoustician
- acoustics
- acoustimeter
- acoustoelectric
- acoustoelectronic
- acoustooptics
- acpt.
- acquaint
- acquaintance
- acquaintance rape
- acquaintance violence
- acquainted
- acquest
- acquiesce
- acquiesced
- acquiescence
- acquiescent
- acquire
- acquired behaviour
- acquired character
- acquired characteristic
- acquired drive
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- acquired immunity
- acquired taste
- acquiree
- acquirement
- acquis communautaire
- acquisition
- acquisition accounting
- acquisitive
- acquit
- acquittal
- acquittance
- acquitted
- acr-
- acraldehyde
- acrasin
- acre
- acre right
- acre-foot
- acre-inch
- acreage
- acred
- acrid
- acridid
- acridine
- acriflavine
- acriflavine hydrochloride
- acrimonious
- acrimony
- acritarch
- acritical
- acro dance
- acro-
- acroamatic
- acrobat
- acrobatic
- acrobatics
- acrocarpous
- acrocentric
- acrocephaly
- acrochordon
- acrocyanosis
- acrodont
- acrodrome
- acrogen
- acrogynous
- acrolect
- acrolein
- acrolith
- acrology
- acromegaly
- acromicria
- acromion
- acron
- acronychal
- acronym
- acroparaesthesia
- acroparesthesia
- acropathy
- acropetal
- acrophobia
- acrophony
- acropolis
- acrosome
- acrospire
- acrospore
- across
- across the board
- across-the-board
- acrostic
- acroter
- acroterion
- acroterium
- acrotism
- acrylaldehyde
- acrylamide
- acrylate
- acrylic
- acrylic acid
- acrylic ester
- acrylic fiber
- acrylic fibre
- acrylic resin
- acrylonitrile
- acrylyl
- acrylyl group
- act
- act call
- act curtain
- act of God
- act of contrition
- act of faith
- act of war
- act on
- act one's age
- act out
- act up
- act upon
- act warning
- act.
- acta
- actable
- actant
- actg
- actg.
- actin
- actin-
- actinal
- acting
- acting area
- actinia
- actinian
- actinic
- actinic ray
- actinide
- actinide series
- actiniform
- actinin
- actinism
- actinium
- actinium series
- actino-
- actinobacillosis
- actinobacillus
- actinobiology
- actinochemistry
- actinodermatitis
- actinodrome
- actinogram
- actinograph
- actinoid
- actinolite
- actinology
- actinomere
- actinometer
- actinomorphic
- actinomyces
- actinomycete
- actinomycin
- actinomycosis
- actinon
- actinopod
- actinopterygian
- actinotherapy
- actinouranium
- actinozoan
- action
- action at a distance
- action figure
- action grant
- action line
- action painting
- action potential
- action replay
- action reporter
- action stations
- action verb
- actionable
- actioner
- actions speak louder than words
- activate