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[ uh-men-duh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee ] [ əˈmɛn dəˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i ] Show IPA Phonetic Respelling


serving to alter, improve, or rectify; corrective.

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More about amendatory

Amendatory “serving to alter” is an Americanism based on Late Latin ēmendātōrius, with the ē- swapped out with the a- from amend. The source of all these words is the Latin verb ēmendāre “to correct,” equivalent to ē (or ex) “out of, from” plus menda “blemish, fault, mistake.” Latin menda is also the source of three English words with a broad range of senses: mend “to make usable by repairing,” mendacious “telling lies” (via Latin mendāx “lying”), and mendicant “begging” (via Latin mendīcus “needy”). Amendatory was first recorded in English in the 1780s.

how is amendatory used?

I have been considering the understanding of the question manifested by the framers of the original Constitution. In and by the original instrument, a mode was provided for amending it; and, as I have already stated, the present frame of “the Government under which we live” consists of that original, and twelve amendatory articles framed and adopted since.

Abraham Lincoln, “Cooper Union Address,” New York, New York, February 27, 1860

Mr [Pat] Quinn thinks the bill is “excessive,” so may not go all in. But the state’s finances are down to the felt, with the deficit expected to hit $11 billion. Most likely, he would tweak the bill with an “amendatory veto,” taking out the elements he dislikes.

“Las Vegas of the Midwest,” The Economist, June 16, 2011
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[ zee-nee-uhl, zeen-yuhl ] [ ˈzi ni əl, ˈzin yəl ] Show IPA Phonetic Respelling


warm, welcoming, and hospitable.

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More about xenial

Xenial “welcoming and hospitable” comes from the Ancient Greek noun xenía “hospitality.” Xenía, the element xenon, the name of the warrior princess Xena, and the recent Word of the Day euxinia all come from Ancient Greek xénos “stranger, guest.” Xénos may be a distant relative of English guest (from Old Norse gestr), hospitable and hostel (from Latin hospes “guest, visitor, host”), and hostile (from Latin hostis “stranger, enemy”). Note that xenial is not to be confused with the unrelated term xennial, which denotes people born in the late 1970s and early 1980s, on the cusp of Generations X and Y. Xenial was first recorded in English in the 1790s.

how is xenial used?

“‘Xenial’ is a word which refers to the giving of gifts to a stranger …. I know that having a good vocabulary doesn’t guarantee that I’m a good person,” the boy said. “But it does mean I’ve read a great deal. And in my experience, well-read people are less likely to be evil” …. [T]hey had to admit that they preferred to take their chances with a stranger who knew what the word “xenial” meant, rather than exiting the cave and trying to find the headquarters all by themselves.

Daniel Handler, The Slippery Slope (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 10), 2003

Xenial (pronounced ZEE-nial) relations, friendly communicating relations, transpire among many neurons throughout many parts of the brain …. Red-perceiving neurons and ribbon-perceiving neurons are getting together, communing, enjoying xenial relations, rather like people at a cocktail party going yackety-yak.

Priscilla Long, “My Brain on My Mind,” The American Scholar, 2009
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Word of the day


[ kroom-kah-kuh, kruhm-keyk ] [ ˈkrʊmˌkɑ kə, ˈkrʌmˌkeɪk ] Show IPA Phonetic Respelling


a very large, thin traditional Scandinavian cookie prepared by pouring batter into an appliance much like a waffle iron and then rolling the warm cookie around a cone form.

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More about krumkake

Krumkake “a Scandinavian cookie” is a borrowing from Norwegian, in which it is a compound of krum “curved, crooked” and kake “cake.” Krum is a close relative of Old English crumb (also crump), of the same meaning, which appears in modern English names such as Cromwell “crooked spring” but is not related to modern English crumb “a small particle broken off bread.” Kake and English cake together derive from Old Norse kaka, of the same meaning, which may also be the source of English cookie (by way of Dutch). Krumkake was first recorded in English in the early 1920s.

how is krumkake used?

Samantha had a teapot on a tray with some of the delicate rolled cookies that Emily knew were krumkake, the same that her mother had made for the holidays .… A warm smile came over Samantha’s face. “The krumkake. Have one, please. My great-grandmother’s family was from Oslo, and these cookies are about the only Norwegian tradition that I have.”

Gregg Olsen, Heart of Ice, 2009

I feel the spirit of my adopted grandma with me as I happily line up at the popular Pastry Shoppe booth from Starbuck, Minn. The almond cake and flatbread look tempting, but I choose the powder-sugared rosettes and buttery crunch of sandbakkels and krumkake, which my grandma would make for the holidays.

Lisa Meyers McClintick, “Midwest Traveler: Scandinavian celebration Norsk Hostfest returns to Minot, N.D.,” StarTribune, September 12, 2019
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