Search Results for: face with tears of joy

  1. What Does Calling Someone “Mom” On The Internet Mean?

    While Kim Kardashian was busy “breaking the Internet” with her controversial photoshoot for Paper in November of 2014, New Zealand singer/songwriter Lorde was teaching the world—or at least her Twitter and Tumblr followers—about a new slang use of the word mom. How is mom used on the internet? These three little letters tweeted out by Lorde in response to Kardashian’s cover photo caused such confusion that the 18-year-old …

  2. Think Shrievalty’s Dead? Find Out With This Word Of The Day Quiz

    We can’t lend Abram our candelabrum because we’re too busy taking this week’s Word of the Day Quiz. If the quiz doesn’t display, please try opening in the Chrome browser. Interested in Words of the Day from the past? Check out this one that we brought to life … Tell us your favorite word from this week below (and share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter)!

  3. This Word of the Day Quiz Might Make You Tootle

    Looking for polysemous inspiration for your new conlang? Take this Word of the Day Quiz with alacrity! If the quiz doesn’t display, please try opening in the Chrome browser. Interested in Words of the Day from the past? Check out this one that we brought to life …   Tell us your favorite word from this week below (and share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter)!

  4. Getty

    How The Word “Dollar” Derives From “Joachimsthaler”

    Today, this humble blog gets serious. Prepare to unravel (some) of the mysteries of money. Open your wallet and take out a dollar bill. What is this complicated piece of paper that so much of your life depends on? And really, what’s the deal with the pyramid with an eye on top? (Here’s a decent answer.) The U.S. is one of many countries to call …

  5. This Quiz Is Practically Paradisiacal

    Ignore those orgulous ogres and treat yourself to this Word of the Day Quiz! | July 1 – July 7, 2019 If the quiz doesn’t display, please try opening in the Chrome browser. Tell us your favorite word from this week below (and share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter)!

  6. football game

    Why Roman Numerals Are The Super Bowl’s Signature

    Sure, the Super Bowl is one of the biggest sporting events in the world (World Cup fans, feel free to weigh in here), and an unofficial national holiday in the United States. On February 11, 2024, the San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs will face off in Super Bowl LVIII (58). While sports fans are waiting to see which team takes it all, the …

  7. us vs uk new

    The Differences Between British English vs. American English

    English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and you’ll find its more than 1 billion speakers just about everywhere. (It’s fun to note that scientists have even taken the English language to Antarctica!) But there are two particular groups of English speakers we’ll focus on in this article—and they are the ones who live on both sides of the Atlantic …

  8. These words may be removed from some dictionaries

    No matter how clever, revolutionary, or poignant, the passage of time can render anything obsolete – even words. Recently, researchers for the  Collins Dictionary released a list of words, such as charabanc and aerodrome, that are used so rarely that they are considered obsolete, and will no longer be included in smaller print dictionaries. The following are among the words that the Collins lexicographers have …

  9. Inconceivable! Play ’80s Movie Word Bingo

    Let’s face it: There’s never a bad time to educate your kids on some of the classic movies from “the good old days.” Yes, we are talking about ’80s movies, films made back when everything was gnarly, and you steered clear of anything that seemed bogus. Want to add an extra dash of education into the mix? We’ve got you! Introducing part two of the …

  10. “Pragmatic” vs. “Dogmatic”: What Are The Differences?

    Some people have the incredible ability to set their emotions aside and make clear, calm decisions in a crisis. Instead of getting caught up in big-picture ideals or feeling overwhelmed by the scale of a situation, they manage to face the problem head on and address it practically one step at a time. For those who don’t crumble under pressure, does this practical nature make …

  11. 8 Pandemic Words & Phrases People Absolutely Never Want To Hear Again

    When surprising, shocking, or scary things like the COVID-19 pandemic happen, it’s sometimes difficult to find the words to talk about it. You may find yourself straining to remember terms you learned a long time ago, or repeating the same words and phrases over and over again because you just don’t know what else to say. While the world is quarantined due to the novel …

  12. Tickle Your Sensorium With This Word Of The Day Quiz

    We hope you get a mickle of right answers this week! Check in on Facebook or Twitter to let us know how you do on the Word of the Day Quiz. And don’t forget to vote for your favorite word in the poll below. If the quiz doesn’t display, please try opening in the Chrome browser.