Search Results for: face with tears of joy

  1. Krampus

    Especially popular in Germanic and Slovakian cultures, Krampus is a sinister counterpart to Santa Claus who, instead of rewarding good children, punishes wicked ones.
  2. Vocab Activities For Preschool & Kindergarten Kids

    Expand your child’s vocabulary with these fun word activities Have your child complete one of the vocab activities below to build their language or complete one of the family activities to get a little learning boost for all those involved. Learning words for feelings Put these videos on for your child, one at a time. After each video, ask them what the kids in the …

  3. What Is Body Language?

    The phrase body language or nonverbal communication often gets tossed around. From public speaking to a first date, our movements and facial expressions say a lot about our feelings and intentions. During political debate season, politicians’ body language is under just as much scrutiny as their remarks, and if the candidates aren’t careful, they might misspeak without saying a word. Most researchers conclude that human …

  4. Close up of 4 diverse women, green filter.

    10 Women Around The World And The Words That Empower Them

    Women’s History Month is an opportunity to learn about and focus on women around the world who have worked to make a difference through their advocacy and leadership. Whether promoting action on climate change, greater access to education, misogynistic and anti-LGBTQ violence, and other important issues, the words of these women will inspire you. Malala Yousafzai | Gul Makai Malala Yousafzai, who often goes by …

  5. What Is The Difference Between A Llama And An Alpaca?

    Are these adorable shaggy mammals popping up across home goods, clothing, and toys llamas? Or are these sweet, fluffy creatures that people adore called alpacas? And what’s the difference between the two? Despite being commonly mixed up, llamas and alpacas are two distinct animals with several defining features. Let’s take a closer look. What is an alpaca? An alpaca is a domesticated mammal from South America. …

  6. Getty

    English Could Really Use These 10 Wunderbar German Words

  7. no homo

    No homo is an extremely offensive, anti-gay expression. Some heterosexual men say no homo to emphasize their sexual orientation after saying something complimentary, affectionate, or otherwise positive to another man that they worry could be interpreted…
  8. blem

    Blem is a slang word that can mean "cigarette," "marijuana," "a joint," or just being really, really "high."
  9. Insidious vs. Invidious

    Insidious and invidious both describe the way someone does something bad. Insidious implies secrecy, while invidious is more open. An insidious action is sneaky and harmful. An invidious action is also negative, but it happens out in the open. Insidious Insidious actions are covert. Those who carry them out hope to accomplish some act of evil. For example, lies are insidious. Secret meetings and intrigue …

  10. 5 More Pandemic Words & Phrases People Want To Stop Hearing

    As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, so too does the repetitive language people are using to talk about it. After a while, it gets exhausting hearing the same words over and over again in every article, tweet, and news broadcast. A few weeks ago, we rounded up the overused pandemic words and phrases our Twitter followers told us they were absolutely tired of hearing. The list …

  11. existential question

    To be or not to be, that is the question—the existential question. An existential question is a deep, philosophical question concerning the nature of of someone or something's existence. "What is the meaning of life?"…
  12. thicc

    Thicc is a slang term for a full-figured body, specifically a big butt and curvy waist.  It is both used sexually and humorously.