Search Results for: face with tears of joy

  1. 🏴‍☠️ Pirate Flag emoji

    The Pirate Flag emoji 🏴‍☠️ displays a Jolly Roger, a black flag with a skull and crossbones used by pirates. It is commonly used to refer to pirates and sports teams named after pirates. This…
  2. a bunch of orchids, in green filter.

    The Mysterious Origins Of The Month Of April’s Name

    Mark Twain once wrote: “This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four.” Twain’s referring to the first day of April or, as it’s often known, April Fools’ Day. While the first day of the fourth month of the year is sure to bring plenty of shenanigans (will you be the perpetrator or the …

  3. “Assent” vs. “Ascent”: What’s The Difference?

    Homophones: love them or hate them, they’re everywhere. These two are a great example. They may sound the same, but their meanings couldn’t be any more different. Assent is a word that indicates agreement or approval. Ascent refers to an upward movement. Let’s take a closer look. What does assent mean? As a verb, assent means to agree or to give in. When used as …

  4. Getty

    Practice vs. Practise: What’s The Difference?

    If you’ve ever wondered why it’s spelled practice in some contexts and practise in others, it mainly comes down to British versus American spelling. But which is which? When to use practise or practice In American English, the spelling practice is the only one commonly used—and it’s used for both the noun (commonly meaning “habit or custom” or “repeated exercise to acquire a skill”) and the verb …

  5. Mount Rushmore, blue filter

    Is It Called Presidents’ Day Or Washington’s Birthday?

    If you live in the United States and you’re anything like us, you might view Presidents’ Day as just another three-day weekend in February. But the story behind this important commemorative holiday is more interesting than you might think—especially considering Presidents’ Day isn’t the official name of the holiday at all. Presidents’ Day was first established in 1885 to honor the February 22 birthday of …

  6. dark aqua text "titled vs entitled" on aqua background

    Titled vs. Entitled: Which Is Correct?

    Let’s say that your favorite movie is The Godfather. If you held a copy of it in your hand, would you use the word titled or entitled to say what the name of the movie is? Which word is correct? Are they both correct? In this article, we will break down the difference between titled and entitled, explain how they are typically used, and give …

  7. 5 Mom-Tested Tips To Make Zoom Learning Work For Your Kid

    By now, remote learning has become many families’ new normal, but that doesn’t mean every kid is a fan. Many parents are still struggling to figure out how to use Zoom for class every day, let alone how to help their kids focus while they’re learning online. Being able to attend school in pajama pants certainly has its perks, but it can be hard for …

  8. How The Letter “X” Creates More Gender-Neutral Language

    by Rory Gory The letter X is often used to represent the unknown or the indescribable. In English, there are so few words beginning with X that in Samuel Johnson’s famous early dictionary, X was defined as, “a letter, which, though found in Saxon words, begins no word in the English language.” The mathematician and philosopher René Descartes used the letter X to represent variable …

  9. 8 Home Learning Tricks To Keep Your Kids Engaged 

    Call it remote learning, online learning, distance learning or homeschooling, there are millions of parents across the country whose children no longer head off to school but rather wake up within the walls of their virtual classroom. While there have always been those parents who choose homeschooling for their children’s education, the COVID-19 pandemic has chosen that option for many who never dreamed they’d (and …

  10. “Dissent” vs. “Protest”: Why Choosing The Right Word Matters

    Demonstrations against racism and police brutality have put the words dissent and protest at the center of our vocabulary this year. has seen a surge of interest in these words, which speak to their relevance to our current times. The death of George Floyd—a Black man who was killed after a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeled on his neck for nearly nine minutes—has inspired worldwide protests that continue …

  11. Unfurl These Banner Facts And Words About Flag Day

    Every year on June 14 in the United States, a holiday comes and goes (perhaps without you even noticing): Flag Day. The gist of the holiday is right there in the name. It’s a commemoration of the adoption of Betsy Ross’s American flag in 1777. It’s also a chance to flex your vexillology trivia facts and knowledge about US history. The first official Flag Day …

  12. “Palette” vs. “Pallet” vs. “Palate”

    Palette, pallet, and palate are homophones, which means they’re all pronounced the same way, but mean different things. Palette is mostly related to art. Pallet often refers to shipping equipment. Palate has several meanings related to taste. If you’re looking for a little more detail than that, read on. Palette When you picture a painter, you probably imagine them holding a flat board with a …