Search Results for: face with tears of joy

  1. Was There A Real Uncle Sam?

    There are many famous cartoon figures in American culture, but only one that’s regularly paired with the pointed statement that it wants you (yes, YOU) to do something: Uncle Sam. What Uncle Sam wants you for varies. Historically he has most often wanted you to join the Army, though twists and variations abound. Uncle Sam himself, however, almost always has a white goatee and white …

  2. Loath vs. Loathe

    It can be easy to mix up loath and loathe because of their extremely similar spellings, but here’s the difference: Loath is an adjective that means reluctant. Loathe is a transitive verb that means to be disgusted with. The fact that both words carry negative connotations also makes it easy to confuse them. It might help to know that their pronunciations are slightly different. Loath …

  3. zodiac signs

    Zodiac Signs: Learn The Names, Symbols, And More!

    The word zodiac is used in astronomy and astrology to refer to the band of sky over which the sun, moon, and planets move—as seen from Earth, at least. The zodiac contains a number of constellations, and the sun (or other celestial body) is said to be “in” a constellation when it moves into the portion of the zodiac that includes that constellation. The zodiac …

  4. 10 New Dating Slang Words To Know In 2022

    By Ashley Austrew If you’re dating in 2022, the first step is learning how to speak the language. Thanks to the proliferation of dating apps and social media messaging services, dating now has a solid online component. And just like all the other aspects of our online life (text speak, memes, and emojis), it has its own set of rules and vocabulary. When you’re looking …

  5. 20 Incredible Animal Adjectives To Go Wild For

    Wildlife encounters are often more common in the summertime. Whether you’re on a trip to the local zoo, visiting an aquarium in a new city, or heading outside for a hike or day at the beach, you’re likely to encounter insects and animals who are enjoying the great outdoors as much as you do. For word lovers and parents of school-aged kids alike, these chance …

  6. Flu vs. COVID-19: How To Tell The Difference Between Each Virus

    The flu is so well-known that the term “flu-like symptoms” is commonly used as a way to describe the effects of other diseases—including COVID-19. Because its symptoms can be similar to those of the flu, COVID is sometimes compared to the flu. But medical professionals stress that the two are different in important ways. And knowing the difference is crucial to understanding the risks of …

  7. Male with his arms raised as if praising at church

    What Does “Speaking In Tongues” Mean?

    Speaking in tongues, also referred to as gift of tongues or glossolalia, is a phenomenon that occurs when a person experiencing religious ecstasy or a trance utters incomprehensible sounds that they believe are a language spoken through them by a god or deity. It is believed that a person speaking in tongues is temporarily being gifted the ability to speak a language they do not …

  8. woman doing math calculations in a notebook, teal filter.

    Helpful Tips For How To Spell Numbers—No Math Required!

    When it comes to spelling out numbers, knowing when and how to do so correctly might be trickier than you imagine. Many organizations and publications have their own style guides describing when and how to spell out numbers, but there are some general guidelines you can keep in mind when digits pop up in writing. Typically, you should spell out numbers below 10. Numbers over …

  9. “Literally” vs. “Definitely” vs.”Totally”

    With all the hullabaloo about the figurative sense of literally, language enthusiasts have given much thought to this often maligned term. We’ve even discussed how the metaphorical extension of literally is nothing new—it’s been around since the 1700s—but now we’d like to explore a few other adverbs and their ironic uses. I believe that recent uses of  definitely and totally suggest that the linguistic development …

  10. bison; green filter

    What’s The Difference Between Bison vs. Buffalo? Are They The Same?

    Where do the buffalo roam? Many Americans may think they know the answer but would be in for a surprise when shown a picture of a buffalo. Which animal actually lives in North America—a bison or a buffalo? In this article, we’ll explain what bison and buffalo are, provide differences to tell them apart, and briefly look at some of their closest relatives.    The …

  11. virgo astrology

    What Does Virgo Mean? Words To Describe This Earth Sign

    If you found yourself flowing with creativity during Leo season, it’s time to put your inventive plans to action during Virgo season. No matter your zodiac sign, August 23–September 22 is a good time to harness the energy of a Virgo and approach new projects with zeal! If you follow astrology and read horoscopes, you know a person born between August 23 and September 22 is a Virgo. …

  12. How Did The Month Of June Get Its Name?

    June is a great month. School’s out. The days are long. The weather’s warm. Perhaps the Anglo-Saxons—who spoke that linguistic ancestor of English known as Old English—were onto something when they collectively called June and July Liða. That’s pronounced like [ lee–thuh ], with the character ð having the voiced th-, like this. Liða itself may mean “calm” or “mild.” On its own, June was sometimes also referred to as Ærra-Liða, which is like …