Search Results for: face with tears of joy

  1. Photo of four young friends doing the "Gangnam Style" dance, blue filter.

    16 Words From The 2010s So Lit We Should Bring Them Back

    The 2010s were the era of Instagram, Beyonce’s Lemonade album, and arguing about whether a viral photo showed a blue dress or a white one. The decade may not seem like that long ago, but a lot has changed since then, including many parts of our language. Vocabulary evolves quickly, especially when you’re talking about the words associated with slang and pop culture. Take yeet, …

  2. Chew On The Twists And Turns Of These Pasta Names And Meanings

  3. filtered image of spray cans

    19 Rare And Obscure Color Words Unlike Any Others

    Do you know all of your colors? No, we aren’t just talking about red and green. We mean color words like quercitron, puce, and dragon’s blood. There are so many unique and fascinating words that describe shades of color in our language. If you stop at the basics, you might just miss out on some of the most vivid and historically interesting shades that exist. …

  4. nahuatl words new

    14 English Words Derived From The Nahuatl Language

  5. Resume vs. Résumé: A Brief Account Of Their Differences

    We all have those words that we’ve heard over and over but don’t have the chance to write out all that often. Which can lead to a little bit of confusion when you actually need said word—like handing in your job application with “resume” in big letters on top instead of résumé. Or worse, talking about your résumé and pronouncing it resume the entire time: …

  6. What Is Figgy Pudding?

    You know the song. It may start by wishing everyone a merry Christmas, but then the demand starts. “Oh, bring us some figgy pudding…” with its petulant refrain, “We won’t go until we get some.” But do you actually know what figgy pudding is? And why do we sing about it, anyway? While figgy means “containing figs,” and pudding is defined as “a thick, soft …

  7. Take The Harry Potter Vocabulary Challenge For Kids

    There comes a time in every parent’s life when the Harry Potter books and movies take over your household! Whether you’re a reading family or a movie-watching family or maybe doing a bit of both, here’s a twist on our Disney Movie Word Challenge to engage your children and boost their vocabulary at the same time! Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore would definitely approve. First, …

  8. “Aseptic” vs. “Sterile”: Do You Know The Difference?

    In medical care, there are few things more important than cleanliness. There are several different terms used in the context of keeping things germ-free, and the two most common are aseptic and sterile. In many cases, they mean just about the same thing, but each one is often applied to specific situations. Scrub in, mask up, and join us as we examine the differences between …

  9. image of Big Ben

    Great Britain vs. UK vs. England: Learn The Difference

    If you sail off the coast of northwestern Europe and keep to the east of Ireland, you’ll find yourself in a country rich with history and royal magnificence. But what, exactly, is this country called? England? The United Kingdom? Great Britain? Or just Britain? Are any of these names correct? Are all of them? In this article, we’ll take a tour of the British Isles …

  10. dark blue text "flush out or flesh out" on light blue background

    Flush Out Or Flesh Out: When To Use Each Phrase

    The phrases flesh out and flush out are proof of how much difference a single letter can make. They sound very similar, but their meanings are completely different. One is mainly used in abstract contexts, such as ideas and plans. The other is often used in literal contexts involving liquids and things like pipes and fire hydrants, as well as in other ways. In this …

  11. Vegan vs. Vegetarian: Understand The Difference

    More and more people are following vegan or vegetarian diets. And you’ve probably noticed a lot of restaurant menus marking whether a dish is vegan or vegetarian. But what exactly is the difference? The difference involves more than just whether a person eats cheese. We’ll break down what each word means, what vegans and vegetarians do and don’t eat, and what the word vegan means …

  12. “America The Beautiful” Lyrics You Probably Don’t Know

    “America the Beautiful” isn’t the United States’s national anthem (that honor goes to “The Star-Spangled Banner”), but it’s arguably just as well loved. The song promotes the idea of a bountiful country with spacious skies, amber waves of grain, purple mountains majesty, and a fruited plain. But do you know which scenic lands inspired author Katharine Lee Bates to write the immediately popular lyrics? Or, …