Search Results for: face with tears of joy

  1. lounge of lizards

    A Smack Of Jellyfish, A Zeal of Zebras, And Other Fun Animal Group Names

    What do hunting and sexual desires have in common? We could point to several things, but from a linguistic point of view, we’re referring to the archaic word venery, which means both hunting (from the Latin venor) and sexual desire (from Latin veneria, referring to Venus). Strangely, terms of venery is a collective noun that means a group of animals. And, many of these animal …

  2. aquarius zodiac

    Are You An Aquarius? These Words Are Calling Your Name

    Just after the season of Capricorn comes to a close, the age of Aquarius is upon us. It usually runs from around January 20–February 18. In addition to claiming one of the best songs about an astrological sign ever (“This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius …”), Aquarians are a special bunch. Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac. Common characteristics often …

  3. “Recuse” vs. “Resign”: What’s The Difference?

    As with many legal and political terms, recuse and resign are often confused with each other. The differences between these terms are important to understand. What does recuse mean? To recuse means “to withdraw from performing legal duties because of potential bias or a conflict of interest.” This can apply to judges, jurors, lawyers, and so on, but it’s specific to the prejudice those individuals may exhibit. Although the …

  4. goodbye with waving hand

    The Holy Reason We Say “Goodbye” And What To Say Instead

    “So long, farewell …” This catchy tune from The Sound of Music is just one of many artistic reflections throughout the years on the ways we say goodbye. And it’s no wonder this parting word and its synonyms have been the subject of much rumination over the years as saying goodbye has become an integral part of our interactions with people, places, and things.  We …

  5. Homozygous vs. Heterozygous: What’s The Difference?

    Heterozygous and homozygous are terms used in biology and genetics to indicate whether a living thing has two of the same copies of a gene for a particular trait, or whether it has two different ones. For example, let’s say one parent has black hair, and one has brown hair. One of their children might get two copies of the black hair gene, while another …

  6. text in light teal font on dark teal background: buses or busses

    Do You Spell It “Buses” Or “Busses”?

    The short answer: both buses and busses are acceptable plural forms of bus. However, buses is much more commonly used—almost exclusively—and is often considered the standard form. The explanation: in many cases in English spelling, final consonants like the s in bus are often doubled when an ending such as -es, -ed, or -ing is added to the end of the word. For example, the …

  7. black history month

    Black Lives Matter And 9 Other Influential Calls To Action You Should Know

    Black Lives Matter is a powerful political and social movement aiming to ensure basic human rights for Black people. Many people are familiar with the name of the movement as it is used amid protests against violence inflicted on Black people involving police officers, including the death of George Floyd in 2020. As the movement has expanded all around the world, many may not know …

  8. illustration of a lipstick kiss with the letters x o x o

    What Is The Origin And Meaning Of XOXO? We’ll Kiss And Tell!

    From Valentine’s Day cards to messages from your mom, a typical sign-off to show love and affection is XOXO. The X stands for kiss and the O stands for a hug—but why? Well, the origin of these symbols is uncertain, but we can make some educated guesses about where they come from. Why is X the symbol for a kiss? The use of X as a …

  9. text on green background: terror vs. horror

    Terror vs. Horror: Which One Is Worse?

    Forget Thanksgiving, New Year’s, and Fourth of July—for some people, no other holiday comes close to Halloween. For those who are all about “spooky season,” they’re breaking out the pumpkin spice and brainstorming creepy costumes at the first hint of fall. But are those who savor the haunting side of this holiday all about the terror that ghosts and skeletons bring? Or is it horror …

  10. Puppy Love And Other Animal-inspired Phrases

    We often attribute emotions and other human characteristics to animals. This is called anthropomorphism. Similarly, we also describe people using animal characteristics. You might, for example, say my teenage son “eats like a horse,” meaning he’s a growing boy and consumes a lot of food. This is called zoomorphism. Zoomorphism also includes assigning animal-like qualities to gods and inanimate objects. The term comes from the Greek …

  11. The Office Helped Create These Memorable And Meme-able Words

  12. Lenny Face

    Lenny Face

    Lenny Face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) is an emoticon used to suggest a mischievous mood, imply sexual innuendo, or spam online discussions.