Search Results for: face with tears of joy

  1. These Words Describe Cancers Perfectly

    It’s July, which means summer is here and Cancer season is upon us. Obviously we’re talking about people born between June 21–July 22, meaning they are born under the Cancer sign of the zodiac. Cancer is the fourth sign (after Gemini and before Leo) in the zodiac calendar. Cancer (the word is Latin for crab) is also one of the four cardinal signs–specifically, it is the cardinal water …

  2. Big Ben

    16 Words That Explain British Royal Family Traditions

    Royalty is built on ceremony and tradition, and these ceremonies and traditions are excruciatingly planned down to the slightest detail, often years in advance. Here are some key terms that explain the intricacies of British royal rituals and the places they are performed, including the elaborate funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, coronations, royal weddings, and the final resting places of British monarchs. lie in state …

  3. Xenophobia Was’s 2016 Word Of The Year

    At we aim to pick a Word of the Year that embodies a major theme resonating deeply in the cultural consciousness over the prior 12 months. This 2016, some of the most prominent news stories have centered around fear of the “other.” Fear is an adaptive part of human evolutionary history and often influences behaviors and perceptions on a subconscious level. However, this particular …

  4. Old (But Not Entirely Forgotten) Office Terminology

  5. tin roof, rusted

    A lyric from The B-52's hit song "Love Shack," tin roof, rusted is interpreted by some to mean "pregnant," usually with an unintended baby.
  6. image of man pointing

    Baader-Meinhof phenomenon

    The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon (also known as the Baader-Meinhof effect or the frequency illusion) is a name for the experience of learning of or encountering something for the first time and then very soon after encountering…
  7. List of words in white outline, with central word in bold white font, on dark green background: “mondegreen, eggcorn, crash blossom, ghost word, zeugma, sesquipedalian, snowclone”

    Portmanteau And Other Cool Words About How We Use Words

    We make it no secret here that we think words are really cool. In English, we can do a lot of cool things with words like make metaphors, rhymes, or craft groan-worthy puns that even the most tolerant of dads will roll their eyes at. To help express our love of vocabulary, we found a bunch of fun terms that describe a lot of different …

  8. hot dog sandwich

    The Final Word On The Most Heated Food Debates

  9. new year resolutions

    Words For The Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions

    Another new year, another round of the not-so-new tradition of making New Year’s resolutions. As a dictionary, we’re not here to give advice on self-improvement goals, which are often personal and private. Instead, we can provide some exceptional words you can use to describe the resolutions you may have planned ahead for 2024. As a bonus, these words are perfect inspiration if your resolution is …

  10. artwork of women in early 1800s promenading, titled "Beaux And Belles Of The Regency Period" by Henry Gillard Glindoni in teal filter.

    Prepare For The Lavish World Of Bridgerton With 16 Regency Period Words

    This spring may be a bit steamier than usual, thanks to the return of the hit Netflix show Bridgerton. This Regency romance with a modern twist took audiences by storm last year with its unpredictable plot, historical setting, and very attractive cast of characters. If you watched the first season last year or you’re catching up now, you may find yourself wondering what some of …

  11. The Word Of The Year For 2020 Is …

    pandemic: life upended, language transformed 2020 has been, well, a lot. At, the task of choosing a single word to sum up 2020—a year roiled by a public health crisis, an economic downturn, racial injustice, climate disaster, political division, and rampant disinformation—was a challenging and humbling one. But at the same time, our choice was overwhelmingly clear. From our perspective as documenters of the …

  12. autocorrect square

    How Does Autocorrect Ducking Work, Anyway?

    The iPhone may have only shown up during the aughts, but autocorrect is almost as old as personal computers. Even some of the earliest word processors had a spellcheck feature that suggested alternative words if a word you typed did not appear in its internal dictionary. Certainly, today, autocorrect has come a long way since the Cupertino effect. What’s the Cupertino effect? Well, in its …