Search Results for: face with tears of joy

  1. How Young People Are Redefining “Transgender” And “Nonbinary”

    by Rory Gory March 31 is Transgender Day of Visibility, an annual occasion dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of transgender people as well as raising awareness of and advocating for the transgender community. Created in 2009 by Rachel Crandall, Executive Director of Transgender Michigan, Transgender Day of Visibility is a time for recognizing transgender people in a positive light, rather than only centering the conversation …

  2. The Origin Of 12 Cherished Christmas Traditions

    Christmas is that special time of year that brings us joy—and at least a month and a half worth of hummable, merry carols to us all. Yes, Christmas is a magical time of good cheer, indeed! We’ve got mistletoe (for sneaking kisses), ugly-sweater competitions, and of course, the timeless traditions of decorating a tree, hanging up lights, and reminding kids to be nice so that Santa …

  3. What Happens When Memes Go Wrong

    LOLcats. Good Guy Greg. Forever Alone Rage Face. Scumbag Steve. If you recognize that these are internet memes, you’re not oblivious to the raging cultural phenomenon that has swept internet screens in the last several years.  So, what does meme mean? For the uninitiated, an internet meme is any concept expressed through digital media that goes viral—a photo, video, GIF, song, doodle, fictional character, symbol. The …

  4. pisces zodiac

    Pisces People: These Words Are All About You 

    Just after the last of the Valentine’s Day chocolates have been consumed and the season of Aquarius comes to an end, it’s time for the season of Pisces. Those born between around February 19–March 20 are fortunate enough to call themselves Pisces, which is the 12th and final sign of the zodiac. In 2024, the 40 days of Lent start on February 14, well within …

  5. Democracy, Drugs, and Definitions: Alt-Right, Dabbing, and Slay Among New Words Added to

    OAKLAND, Calif., March, 2017 – From pop culture to pot culture, alt-right to Kpop —the trends, movements, and news of today continue to influence the words and language we use. Today, the leading online and mobile English-language resource, announced more than 300 new words and definitions were added to the dictionary, sharing trends and insights into how and why words within cultural and political …

  6. gen-z barbie new

    A Lo-fi Guide And List Of Gen Z Fashion Aesthetics

    Aesthetics are having a moment like never before. With the rise of TikTok and Gen Z internet culture has also come a shift in the way people express themselves and their interests. Microtrends, or short-lived viral trends, reign supreme, and many of them naturally divide into certain categories of popular fashion, accessories, and decor known as aesthetics. The 2023 Barbie movie is one major pop …

  7. white text on blue background

    Afghanization, Finlandization, And The Politic-ization Of Place Names

    Recent news has been filled with analysis that attempts to make sense of current events by comparing them to past moments in history—and applying some of the terminology that originated in the midst or aftermath of those earlier events. Prominent examples include terms based on the combination of a place name and the ending -ization, such as Afghanization (in the context of the withdrawal of …

  8. Why You Shouldn’t Wait For Failing Grades To Hire A Tutor

    If your child is struggling in school or with online learning, a little help may be exactly what they need to get back on track. Many parents are watching their children’s educational journey firsthand, thanks to the rise in virtual schooling and hybrid school models over the past year, which is why some parents are starting to notice signs that their child is struggling even …

  9. scrabble

    Win With “Qi” And This List Of Our Best Scrabble Words

    Scrabble is a game that tests both your word knowledge and your relationship with the letter J. A rousing game of Scrabble often requires you to dig deep into your bag of tricks (or a thesaurus) to come up with rare and unusual words to maximize that triple word bonus. But sometimes you need just a little bit more help. What if you have a …

  10. Depression vs. Anxiety: What’s The Difference?

    The blues got you today? Or is that upcoming speech giving you the jitters? As unpleasant as it is, it is OK. Sudden bouts of gloominess and uneasiness are completely normal responses to upsetting or potentially dangerous circumstances, whether real or imagined. Thankfully, they are short-lived. They ebb and flow and vanish together with the triggering event. We all have bad days every now and …

  11. High School Vocabulary: Word Lists For Grades 9-12

    By Ashley Austrew Whether you’re a teacher, a parent, or a high school student yourself, you’re probably aware that having a strong vocabulary is important for reading, writing, and speaking. In ninth through twelfth grades, students are not only tackling high-level coursework, but also preparing for their adult lives beyond school. The words they learn now will carry through into their later educational and career …

  12. No One Pronounces These 10 Words The Same

    Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong famously sang about the controversial pronunciations of words like tomato (to-mah-to?), potato (po-tah-to?), either, neither, pajamas, and others in the song “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off.” They settled nothing, and people have been debating the right way to say these words ever since.  And those aren’t the only words that send people to opposing corners, either. There are a host …