Search Results for: drag culture

  1. CNN- adds Black, as it refers to a person, in massive update around definitions that reflect culture, identity, and race

  2. Getty

    In Omnia Paratus And Other Latin Phrases You’ve Heard While Streaming

    Whether you’re speaking, reading, or writing in English, you can’t get very far before you stumble on a word with Latin influence. Aside from the estimated 60 percent of English words that have roots in Latin, you can’t pull out a book, pull up a YouTube video, or switch on Netflix these days without hearing some Latin phrases in your favorite movies, songs, and novels. From …

  3. Jumbled Letters: New Words" with definitions for pogonophile, ghost runner, and antiwork

    From The Discourse To The Dictionary: Fall 2022 New Words

    Antiwork, bachelorx party, 45, Ohtani rule, pawternity leave, Zelenskyy. As ever, there is great variety in the new terms and meanings just added to by Nick Norlen, Senior Editor, and Heather Bonikowski, Lexicographer Let’s set things straight: a word doesn’t become a “real word” when we add it to the dictionary. It’s actually the other way around: we add a word to the dictionary …

  4. National Native American Heritage Month

    National Native American Heritage Month is a month-long observance in the US in celebration of the cultures, contributions, and lives of people with Native American heritage. It often also involves raising awareness of Native American…
  5. field of crops, green filter.

    bumper crop

    A bumper crop is an unusually abundant harvest from a particular crop. The term is now most commonly used in a figurative way to refer to a large amount or influx of something (that’s often…
  6. Words Coined In Each Decade Of The Last 100 Years

    Language is always evolving. As culture changes, society innovates, and trends come and go, our language changes right along with it. Every decade, new words are coined in the English language. You will be surprised at how old—or how new—words that you use every day are. So, we’ve picked out our favorite neologisms, from broadcaster to yuppie, that were coined during the past century. Did …

  7. no face, no case

    No face, no case is a rhyming phrase that summarizes a popular—not not necessarily true—theory that a prosecutor will drop a case (no case) against a suspect if there is no face. No face refers…
  8. tea

  9. spare time

    spare time

    Spare time is free, personal, or leisure time outside of one's work, school, or other primary obligations.
  10. Throwing shade

    throwing shade

    Throwing shade is a subtle way of disrespecting or ridiculing someone verbally or nonverbally.
  11. face

    As a slang term, face has many senses. It can be a shortened form of the common retort, in your face! It can also refer to oral sex, or consuming something (like food or weed) quickly. In drag…
  12. 😏 Smirking Face emoji

    Up late at night on Tinder? Time to break out the smirking face emoji to make sure your sexy innuendo lands. Adding this emoji to a text indicates you are flirting or sending a suggestive…