
  1. 8 Demographic Categories You Might Fall In

    Advertisers often use demographics to target consumers. Similarly, pollsters and politicians use demographics to identify voting patterns.

  2. The Dirtiest Words . . . That Aren’t

  3. Lingerie And Other Trending Words On

    Trending words & why they're trending from January 17, 2018. Including words such as eugenics, lingerie, pirate, and pickle.

  4. Buzzwords Tasty Enough To Eat

  5. Weird Words For Crazy Urges We’ve All Had

  6. The Good And The Bad: Words That Can’t Choose

  7. getty

    Exercise Caution With These Telltale Idioms

  8. The Current And Confusing Language Of Politics

    We're here to help by providing an insider’s guide to political jargon. Because politics are scary enough.

  9. Misnomer And Other Trending Words On

    Trending words & why they're trending for January 4–January 10, 2018. Including words like misnomer, flea, stalking, misnomer, and s*hole.

  10. Millennial Allergies And The Language Affected

  11. Singsong Phrases That Have Musical Backstories

    Popular catchphrases that originally came from songs. From rock-and-roll to rap, musicians have written lyrics that have stuck in our heads, leading them to become part of the vernacular.

  12. Cracking The Code of Millennial Slang