Often an idiom—an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings of its parts—can seem like something from Alice in Wonderland. Pardon my French is one of the most colorful idioms that combines the profane with a language associated with love.
Where does pardon my French come from?
Pardon my French, or excuse my French, is an apology for the use of profanity; the expression dates from 1895. Pardon is derived from the old French pardoner meaning, “to grant, forgive.”
Find out: Are New Idioms Ever Created?
So why not pardon my German or excuse my Mandarin?
One explanation suggests that during the 19th century, the English often used French words in conversation–a foreign language to most people living in England at the time. Realizing the listener may not have understood, the speaker would apologize by saying, “Pardon my French.”
Why did the phrase become associated with profanity? That’s an enigma!