
  1. the words white feminism written on a white background

    white feminism

    White feminism is the label given to feminist efforts and actions that uplift white women but that exclude or otherwise fail to address issues faced by minority groups, especially women of color and LGBTQ women.
  2. baka gaijin

    The expression baka gaijin means "stupid foreigner" in Japanese.
  3. morning skinny

    Morning skinny is a slang term for when someone looks or feel slimmer first thing in the day, before they've had anything to eat and, often, after going to the bathroom.
  4. dog walk

    Time to get the leash. The slang dog walk is "to overpower" or "outsmart" someone, as if in utter control of them, as when walking a dog. The slang verb own is a close synonym.
  5. Holy Halidom, Here’s A Word Of The Day Quiz

    Brace yourself for this week’s behemoth Word of the Day Quiz. | February 18 – 24, 2019 If the quiz doesn’t display, please try opening in the Chrome browser. Interested in Words of the Day from the past? Check out this one that we brought to life …     Tell us your favorite word from this week below (and share it with your friends …

  6. What Is The Difference Between “Loan,” “Lend,” “Loaned,” And “Lent”?

    You would not be wrong if you interchange loan and lend—they do in fact mean the same thing in most instance. The words loan and loaned are the present and past tenses of to loan. Lend and lent are the present and past tenses of to lend. As verbs, loan and lend are often used interchangeably. For example, “A bank loans people money to buy a home. …

  7. gråtrunka

    Gråtrunka is a Swedish blend word meaning "to cry while masturbating."
  8. going Dutch

    Do you want me to pick up the bill or do you want to go Dutch? When dining, going Dutch means each person pays for their own food or drinks.
  9. Getty

    Why Do We Use Onomatopoeia?

    Few words are as fun to say as onomatopoeia, but what the heck does it mean? Despite its complex look and sound, onomatopoeia actually has a simple function in the English language. It’s defined as “the formation of a word, as cuckoo, meow, honk, or boom, by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent.” To put it simply, it’s a word …

  10. Getty

    Has The Word “Ninja” Been Culturally Appropriated?

    Traditionally, the word ninja is defined as “a member of a feudal Japanese society of mercenary agents, highly trained in martial arts and stealth (ninjutsu), who were hired for covert purposes ranging from espionage to sabotage and assassination.” These ninjas have captured the Western pop culture imagination since at least the 1960s, when the word was borrowed into English. Since then, ninja has expanded to describe “a …

  11. Getty

    Cough, Cough: Here Are 10 Different Ways To Say “-ough”

  12. Lewis’s Law

    Lewis's Law is an unofficial principle of the Internet that states that the comments on any article about feminism justify feminism.