
  1. Getty

    English Could Really Use These 10 Wunderbar German Words

  2. Getty

    Zoom Through “Spin Class” With These 10 Cycling Terms

  3. Slang And Spelling Bees Influence Word Searches Over The Past Three Months

    We’re already halfway through 2019, which means we had to look back at our word search data! We love data, OK. Plus, the search trends on from April through June 2019 did not disappoint. Politics, of course, drove many of the searches. And, uh, a quick warning: there are some references to adult content ahead. (Hey, we don’t control the words, folks. We document …

  4. gib

    Gib, short for giblets, is gaming slang for violently killing a foe in a way that blows them up or otherwise scatters their body parts.
  5. This Quiz Is Practically Paradisiacal

    Ignore those orgulous ogres and treat yourself to this Word of the Day Quiz! | July 1 – July 7, 2019 If the quiz doesn’t display, please try opening in the Chrome browser. Tell us your favorite word from this week below (and share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter)!

  6. plogging

    Plogging lets you and the Earth get fitter at the same time. It's a win-win! Plogging is a Swedish exercise trend that combines jogging with picking up litter.
  7. Ballmer Peak

    "Thish ish muh besht coding evuh (hiccup)!" The Ballmer Peak is a fictional level of drunkenness that supposedly heightens a computer programmer's skills.
  8. kvlt

    Kvlt is a term used by and about fans of the black metal subgenre of heavy metal. Fans of black metal use kvlt of more obscure, earlier bands that exemplify the genre and to show their…
  9. Kappa

    Kappa is the name of , an emote used in chats on the streaming video platform Twitch. It is often used to convey sarcasm or irony or to troll people online.
  10. #AccidentalMusic

    On the social media app TikTok, #AccidentalMusic is an internet trend where users record and share videos (using that hashtag) of them making music out of sounds from everyday objects.
  11. shoulda

    Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Shoulda is simply a spelling of should have (or should've), based on a common, contracted, colloquial pronunciation of this modal verb phrase.
  12. Heart Rate Meme

    Going viral on Twitter in April 2019, the Heart Rate Meme uses ASCII computer characters to illustrate a normal heart rate followed by an elevated heart rate. The elevated heart rate is meant as a humorous…