
  1. it is what it is

    Deal with it. It is what it is is an expression used to characterize a frustrating or challenging situation that a person believes cannot be changed and must just be accepted.

    The Meanings Behind “Harry Potter” Spells

    How did J.K. Rowling come up with the names of all of those magical wizarding spells?

  3. Chicago Tribune / Netflix / Allyson Riggs

    Exculpate, Mockumentary, Burpless, And Other Words That Trended On This Past Week

    It’s time for another roundup of the words that got our trending word ticker atop our homepage ticking this past week. In this batch, we offer a “stirring” mix of 10 terms that trended (i.e., significantly increased by percentage measured against searches on the the previous day). We begin with our top three lookups. Then, we’ll highlight some words that are notable due to the …

  4. take for granted

    The expression to take for granted means "to accept without question or objection," and often implies a lack of appreciation or gratitude. (E.g., "Many of us may take for granted the fact that we have…
  5. From “Great Society” to “Green New Deal”: How Do Politicians Name Policies?

    What Makes A Policy Program Name Stick? by John M. Cunningham In the 1910s there was Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom. The 1960s brought us Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society. And now, with the help of Senator Ed Markey and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Green New Deal has become the talk of the Beltway. Since the early 20th century, presidents and other politicians in the United …

  6. Albert L. Ortega / Getty Images / CNET

    Learn The Vocabulary Of Comic-Con

  7. banjo string

    Banjo string is a slang term for a part of the male anatomy called the frenulum, the string-like fold of skin on an uncircumcised penis that connects the head and foreskin. Sorry, bluegrass musicians.
  8. Nephanalysis, Sitar, Wombat, And Other Words That Trended On This Week

    What do spivvy, smuggery, stingo, and schlemiel have in common? Sure, they begin with the letter S. But what’s more, they are also some of the leading lookups on since July 8. Since our introduction of it in our last trending writeup, our ticker has been tirelessly scrolling across our homepage.  And, we’ve continued to watch. So, let’s get started with our top five …

  9. Getty

    “Just Deserts” vs. “Just Desserts”

    Did the dictionary … get it wrong?! We once featured the word comeuppance as our Word of the Day. Comeuppance, as we define it, means “deserved reward or just deserts, usually unpleasant.” More than a few of our brilliant and devoted users, wrote in to inform us that there was a typo in the definition: just deserts should be just desserts. Was an S left out of …

  10. sco pa tu mana

    Sco pa tu mana is a nonsense phrase made popular by a rap by the Ghanaian musician Patapaa. The phrase inspired the Skopatumana Challenge, where people post videos of themselves rapping Patapaa's lyrics.
  11. The New Emoji Added In 2019 Are Some Of The Most Diverse Yet

  12. ligma

    Don't fall for it! Ligma is a made-up disease and internet hoax claimed to have killed popular Fortnite video game streamer Ninja. When people not in on the joke ask "What is ligma?" pranksters reply…