
  1. 9 Words That Came From Ancient Greek And Roman Myths

  2. throuple

    A throuple is an intimate consensual relationship that involves three people.
  3. “Hoard” vs. “Horde”: Do You Know The Difference?

    Are you staring at piles and piles of junk and becoming increasingly concerned about the accumulation in, uh, someone‘s apartment? No judgment if you’re asking for “a friend”! We’re here to help you use the right words to describe this problem. To properly examine the issue, we’ve got to get the vocabulary pinned down: does this chaos signal a problem with hoarding? Or the tendency …

  4. Vocab Activities For Preschool & Kindergarten Kids

    Expand your child’s vocabulary with these fun word activities Have your child complete one of the vocab activities below to build their language or complete one of the family activities to get a little learning boost for all those involved. Learning words for feelings Put these videos on for your child, one at a time. After each video, ask them what the kids in the …

  5. Learning Games For Preschool & Kindergarten Kids

    Practice remembering letters, parts of speech, sight words, and more with these learning games Get your preschooler or kindergartner learning while having fun with these ELA word games you can play as a family. Letter dice This game requires a little bit of preparation, but the added tactile element makes it worth it. Put letters on dice (or make some using a template). You can …

  6. learning at home high school

    Learning Games For Middle School Students

    Looking for something to do with your middle school kids? Want to do something that involves learning too (we won’t tell the kids, don’t worry). We’ve rounded up over 10 ELA word games for middle school kids that you can play as a family to reinforce learning and build vocab together. Family words Make a word up that originates with you! Using letter blocks or …

  7. English Vocab Activities For Middle School Students

    Want your kid to build their English vocabulary and have fun? We’ve collected over 10 vocab activities aimed at middle school students to build vocab, explain different parts of the English language, and answer those common English language questions. You might even have a little bit of fun. Learning about words in the news Read the following coronavirus informational texts.  What does COVID-19 mean? Coronavirus: …

  8. English Vocab Activities For Elementary Students

    Build your young child’s vocabulary with these fun learning activities focused on different types of vocab. You might even learn a new word or two as well! Learning about figurative language Figurative language is language that contains or uses figures of speech, especially metaphors. And a lot of figurative language is pretty funny when you look at it literally. Guess what the phrase dog days …

  9. Learning Games For Elementary Students

    When it comes to elementary students, learning and fun need to go hand-in-hand. That’s why we’ve collected 14 ELA learning games for elementary kids that focus on vocabulary, reading, spelling, and writing. Play them as a family and learn something new, too! Family words! Make a word up that originates with you! Using letter blocks or letter refrigerator magnets, spell out the name of a …

  10. Where Do The Words For Our Pets Come From?

  11. 9 Ways To Respond To Kids When They Say “I’m Bored”

  12. How To Make Learning Fun: Using Playtime To Build Literacy

    By Lindsay Barrett We all want our kids to learn what they need to be successful. But guess what most kids want to do? Play! And let’s face it: we adults want to play, too. But learning and playtime can, and should, happily overlap. A growing body of research highlights the many benefits of open-ended play activities like building, pretending, creating, and just getting all-around …