
  1. Take A Zoo Word Trip With And The Houston Zoo

    Who’s ready for a virtual field trip? During the Covid-19 pandemic, educational spaces like museums, national parks, and even NASA are opening their doors for virtual tours. We’ve already “visited” the Georgia Aquarium to watch their aquatic animal webcams. Next, we’re heading to the Houston Zoo in Texas to get up close and personal with elephants, flamingos, gorillas, ants, and more! The Houston Zoo is offering fun …

  2. Where The Bleep Did That Curse Word Come From?

  3. FYP

    FYP stands for the "For You" page on the massively popular short video app, TikTok. FYP acts like an individual landing page for users which showcases curated videos that TikTok thinks they might watch or…
  4. “Mistress” And Other Words That Only Apply To Women

    It takes two people to have an affair. Despite this fact, there is a clear disparity in the way the public generally discusses extramarital relationships. Heterosexual men who have affairs are just heterosexual men who had affairs. But, the women with whom they have those affairs quickly get labeled with another term, one for which there is no effective male equivalent in English: mistress. As …

  5. Where Did Dunkaroos And Other ’90s Snack Foods Get Their Crazy Names?

  6. Switch It Up And Try These Synonyms For “LOL”?

  7. 9 Silly Words Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids

  8. infodemic

    An infodemic is an overload of information, often false or unverified, about a problem, especially a major crisis. Quickly spreading in the news, online, and through social media, this information fuels fear and speculation, making…
  9. The Office Helped Create These Memorable And Meme-able Words

  10. 5 More Pandemic Words & Phrases People Want To Stop Hearing

    As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, so too does the repetitive language people are using to talk about it. After a while, it gets exhausting hearing the same words over and over again in every article, tweet, and news broadcast. A few weeks ago, we rounded up the overused pandemic words and phrases our Twitter followers told us they were absolutely tired of hearing. The list …

  11. What Does “Burnout” Mean?

    by Ashley Austrew Most of us are familiar with the concept of being burned out. It’s that feeling you get when you’re stressed, overwhelmed, and simply don’t have any more energy to devote to a given task, activity … or career. Traditionally, the word burnout has been used more as a self-diagnosis or casual expression rather than treated as a medical syndrome or mental health …

  12. Are These Slang Words Already Old?