
  1. These Common Words Have Offensive Histories

  2. “Beeves” And Other Plural Words You Didn’t Know Existed

  3. What Do The Most Well-Known Website Names Mean?

    In the modern world we occupy, tech company names like Google, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, and others have become a major part of our daily life and conversations. Some of them, like Google, become synonymous with the act itself. If you need to search something, you “just Google it,” which is much like what happened with Xerox when copiers came into vogue. But have you ever stopped …

  4. yeet

    Yeet is an exclamation of excitement, approval, surprise, or all-around energy, often as issued when doing a dance move or throwing something.
  5. There’s No Way You’ll Know All These Florida Words

    Oh, Florida. Filled with gorgeous beaches from coast to coast, prolific fresh produce, and sunshine all year, Florida is known as a great place to vacation, live, and retire. It’s also known for being a wee bit of unconventional. No offense to the 27th state in our great nation, but it does seem to be the setting for more than its fair share of, let’s …

  6. The Art And Origin Of The Dad Joke

  7. “Hero” vs. “Protagonist”: What Is The Difference?

    Many stories have one thing in common: a brave main character who ends up saving the day. But does slaying the dragon or defusing the bomb make this person a hero or a protagonist? And can the two words be used interchangeably? The correct answer to both is yes, with the caveat that the words are not always synonymous. Both nouns have multiple definitions and …

  8. These Are The Most Searched Words In Your State During The Pandemic

    You probably don’t need any data to know that 2020 has been like no other year in recent history—and it’s only half over. But, for those of us fortunate enough to have the opportunity to reflect, some data can help us take stock at this midyear mark on just how transformative 2020 has been. All around the world, COVID-19 has changed our health, jobs, relationships, …

  9. “On line” vs. “In line”: Which Do You Say?

    Some people find it easy to tell if someone is from New York or New Jersey the moment they meet them—all they have to do is start chatting! And if the New Yorker’s accent isn’t an immediate giveaway, the phrase on line usually is. In many states across the country, it’s all the same: people stand in line at the grocery store, wait in line …

  10. “Ludicrous” vs. “Ridiculous”: How To Use Each Word

    Ludicrous means something is silly enough to cause amusement. Ridiculous means it’s absurd enough to invite mockery or derision. Ludicrous has a more playful and amusing sense than ridiculous. You probably already knew these two words can be used to describe something that’s nonsensical or silly. But does that mean these two words are synonyms? What does ridiculous mean? We use ridiculous when something is …

  11. Your Favorite Video Game Character Names Explained

    Video games have come a long way over the years. They hit the scene in the 1970s with basic graphics but have morphed into sophisticated works of art that cover every genre.  Throughout their evolution, we’ve been introduced to a fascinating cast of characters who star in these games. They range from lifelike personalities to strange and wonderful creatures that spring from the imaginations of …

  12. blue background with pixel people, a pixel man and woman holding hands

    The Oldest Words In The English Language