Originally associated with so-called incels, Stacy is pejorative slang term for a woman stereotyped as extremely good-looking, but also vapid, vain, rude, and only interested in sex. She is as the female counterpart to a…
"It's not 'me and Billy.' It's 'Billy and I,'" so scolds the grammar nazi. A grammar nazi is a pedant who compulsively criticizes or corrects people's grammar mistakes, typos, misspellings, and other errors in speech or…
Breaker breaker 1-9, what's your 20? What's your 20? is CB (Citizens Band radio) lingo for "What's your location?" What's your 2020 can be part of a question about a person's presidential aspirations for the 2020 election or about…
A love tap is a light touch used to show affection. Metaphorically, it is a nudge used to give someone a reminder or motivation. A mild scrape against a car is also described as a…
QAnon is the name of a far-right conspiracy theory that believes there is a deep state plot, slowly being exposed online by an anonymous leader named Q, against President Donald Trump. Like it or not,…
BIPOC is an acronym that stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. Black can refer to dark-skinned peoples of Africa, Oceania, and Australia or their descendants without regard for the lightness or darkness of…
Cancel culture refers to the popular practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive. Cancel culture is generally discussed as being performed on…
"Attendance at the fundraiser is completely voluntary, but you're strongly advised to attend." "I need a volunteer. How about you?" "I already told everyone you'd be happy to help clean up." If you've been told…
No pun intended is a humorous parenthetical comment used to acknowledge one has made a pun or other bit of overly cheesy or clever wordplay—sometimes unintentionally, sometimes not.
Allosexual refers to people who do not identify as asexual—that is, people who regularly experience sexual attraction, regardless of their sexual orientation. Asexual, in contrast, refers to people who experience no or little sexual attraction.…