
  1. dooblydoo

    Dooblydoo is a term YouTubers use for the description text beneath a video that provides such information as what the video is about, who made it, and relevant links.
  2. National Boyfriend Day

    Falling on October 3, National Boyfriend Day is an unofficial holiday devoted to celebrating, well, boyfriends. This usually means an unmarried romantic partner, but it can also apply to husbands, friends, or, if you are…
  3. 1337

    U d0n7 kn0 1337, n00b? 1337 is a language for internet users known for replacing letters with numbers or symbols. The term itself has gone on as a slang term for "extremely skilled (at gaming…
  4. Nazi vs. Fascist: Is There Really A Difference?

    Fascist and Nazi: these two words loom large in the history books and in heated conversations about politics—conversations that have far outlasted the regimes that originally embraced them. For many of us, the words fascist and Nazi bring to mind the worst dictators and crimes against humanity. But as these ideologies make the news in 2020, used especially in the context of a growing concern about …

  5. maskne

    Maskne is acne or other skin irritation that results from wearing a mask, especially a medical, N95, or cloth face mask. Maskne trended during the outbreak of COVID-19 due to the widespread wearing of face…
  6. Stacy

    Originally associated with so-called incels, Stacy is pejorative slang term for a woman stereotyped as extremely good-looking, but also vapid, vain, rude, and only interested in sex. She is as the female counterpart to a…
  7. grammar nazi

    "It's not 'me and Billy.' It's 'Billy and I,'" so scolds the grammar nazi. A grammar nazi is a pedant who compulsively criticizes or corrects people's grammar mistakes, typos, misspellings, and other errors in speech or…
  8. Shine Theory

    Shine Theory posits that powerful women would be more successful if they cooperate rather than compete against one another.
  9. What’s your 20?

    Breaker breaker 1-9, what's your 20? What's your 20? is CB (Citizens Band radio) lingo for "What's your location?" What's your 2020 can be part of a question about a person's presidential aspirations for the 2020 election or about…
  10. YouTube loop

    A YouTube loop is the usually unintentional—and usually unhealthy, let's be honest—experience of getting sucked into watching a lot of YouTube videos.
  11. love tap

    A love tap is a light touch used to show affection. Metaphorically, it is a nudge used to give someone a reminder or motivation. A mild scrape against a car is also described as a…
  12. QAnon

    QAnon is the name of a far-right conspiracy theory that believes there is a deep state plot, slowly being exposed online by an anonymous leader named Q, against President Donald Trump. Like it or not,…