
  1. bell end

    A bell end is slang the head of a penis. It's used in UK as an insult for a jerk or someone acting stupid or contemptibly. It's a bit similar to calling someone a dickhead.
  2. lady boner

    Lady boner is slang for sexual arousal—or excitement more generally—in women. 
  3. Can You Run For President Using A Nickname?

    In the upcoming presidential election, Americans will get to choose between the two major candidates: Donald Trump of the Republican Party and Joe Biden of the Democratic Party. Or, as his name will more than likely appear on the ballot, Joseph R. Biden. “Joe” is such a common nickname of “Joseph” that we often forget that celebrities such as Joe Jonas and Joe Frazier aren’t …

  4. Did You Know You Were Reading These Unusual Literary Genres?

  5. dro

    Shortened from hydroponics, dro is slang for a very potent form of marijuana grown indoors without soil.
  6. fuck a duck

    Exclaiming fuck a duck conveys surprise, frustration, anger, or other such heightened emotions. Telling someone to go fuck a duck is a more colorful way of telling them to go screw themselves.
  7. Releases Its Biggest Update Ever

    Over 15,000 entries updated on topics ranging from race and sexual orientation to climate and internet culture The unprecedented events of 2020, from the pandemic to the protests, have profoundly changed our lives—and language. As we explained in our April additions to the dictionary, COVID-19 rapidly introduced an array of new and newly prominent technical terms to our everyday vocabularies, including asymptomatic, viral load, and …

  8. “Barbecuing,” “Grilling,” And “Smoking”: What’s The Difference?

    Every year as the weather heats up, grills are dusted off and meats and vegetables are thrown on the fire. To those in the West and many northern cities, this is barbecuing. Just don’t call it that in the South or parts of the Midwest like Kansas City, Mo., because in certain regions, not everything cooked on a grill is called barbecue. The word barbecue means different …

  9. virtual school

    Virtual school refers to an educational program that takes place in a virtual environment—most typically on a computer screen.  Virtual school can also refer to a specific school that provides instruction using such programs, as…
  10. morning glory

    No, we're not talking flowers here. The slang morning glory is much less innocent: it's the experience of waking up with an erection.
  11. KMS

    KMS is an internet shorthand for kill myself. It is generally used as a melodramatic expression of frustration or disgust or a more serious expression of discomfort or sadness. KMS is sometimes short for kilometers. Content warning:…
  12. clunge

    Clunge is a vulgar slang term for "anus" or "vagina," as well as a vulgar term for women in general.