
  1. Getty

    From The Waltz To The Jitterbug: How Classic Dances Got Their Names

    As you may suspect, the term “ballroom dancing” originates with the word “ball.” But what you may not know is that “ball” comes from the Latin word ballare, which means “to dance.” So what about all those dances performed in the ballroom? How did they get their names? The waltz The waltz is now considered a harmless, traditional type of ballroom dancing. But in 1825, it …

  2. What Does “Musty” Literally Smell Like?

    The common cholesterol drug Lipitor was recently subject to a recall due to reports from consumers about a “musty” odor associated with the bottles. We aren’t interested in the drug — this post concerns stink, stench, aroma. Smell may be the hardest sense to describe in words, which is why we are eager to take a whiff. The sense of smell is known as olfaction …

  3. What Are Some Words For Sibling Pairs?

    These days, giving birth to twins is increasingly common. As many as 5 out of every 1,000 babies born shared a womb with their sibling. While cute and adorable are some starter words to use when welcoming new babies, here’s a look at the lexicon to haul out when welcoming multiples! Fraternal twins vs. identical twins Fraternal twins are twins who derive from separately fertilized …

  4. What Exactly Does “Illuminati” Mean?

    A few years back, after the release of his short film “Runaway,” rap impresario Kanye West found himself busy quashing rumors that he practices devil worship and is part of the notorious Illuminati. The gossip was sparked by references in “Runaway” to that elusive organization. West expressed confusion about the Illuminati. Is it connected to supposed devil worship? What does the word signify? The Illuminati refers to several different groups. The …

  5. Getty

    What Is The Word For Bad Handwriting?

    What is cacography? To answer this question, let’s look at one of our favorite authors: Jane Austen. She was known for her clean and eloquent prose and giving us such classics as Persuasion and Mansfield Park. But it seems the great novelist’s editor likely played a bigger role in Austen’s literary pursuits then previously thought. In fact, it seems that Austen may have been guilty of …

  6. What Is Negative Capability?

    On December 21, 1817, the poet John Keats wrote a letter to his brother in which he expressed and named a quality of human existence that’s tricky to articulate. Keats’ formulation has been adopted by philosophers, poets, and others ever since. How did Keats make up a new concept? Keats wanted to name our ability to simultaneously acknowledge the unpredictable nature of events and conduct ourselves with confidence and …

  7. Getty

    What Does Kimchi Mean?

    Koreans eat it with almost every meal. When the country’s first astronauts went into space, portions of this food went with them. Each year, South Koreans consume more than two million tons of it. The food is called kimchi, or gimchi, kimchee, or kim chee. It is a fermented, spicy cabbage dish and the most common banchan, or side dish in traditional Korean cuisine. There …

  8. Why Is “Dog” One Of The Great Mysteries Of The English Language?

    Behind the simplest words one can often find the most compelling questions. Take for example, dog. Canis familiaris, also known as dog, is essentially a domesticated wolf. The dog is a member of the Canidae family, like the jackal and the fox. The word dog presents a mystery, though: linguists have not identified its roots, nor any English words related to it. The same goes for …

  9. What Is A “Vexillologist”?

    Thanks to the eagle eyes of a Texan voter, the absentee ballot this election season in Atascosa County will not feature the flag of Chile. You can see the source of confusion below, but first, how did the Chilean flag end up on a Texan ballot? As you will see,  the flags of the Latin American country and the U.S. state are remarkably similar. Both …

  10. Who Is The “Nobel” In “Nobel Prize”?

    Each year in October, the Nobel Prize committee in Stockholm announces what has become a sort of gold medal for science, literature, and politics. Six annual winners receive a sum usually worth millions of dollars in addition to oodles of prestige. After you read this, you will always associate the namesake of the prize with the word boom. Why the Nobel story is explosive Alfred Nobel was …

  11. Getty

    An unknown language was discovered―what’s its name and where was it found?

    Arunachal Pradesh is a state in the far northeast corner of India. It shares a border with Burma, Bhutan, and China. In the state there’s a district called East Kameng, a community of villages that have had few interactions with the outside world. And in that community, there are several thousand people who speak a language called Aka. Within the community of Aka speakers, however, …

  12. “Scum,” “Sludge,” “Slush,” “Slime,” And Other Disgusting Words

    Every so often, a headline or breaking news story warns of the dangers of “toxic sludge.” Recently, the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board warned of a toxic sludge threatening San Diego County and composed of “storm water, sewage, and garbage.” In 2018, toxic green sludge “gushed” onto a Detroit highway, endangering nearby municipal water supplies. In 2010, a tragic event occurred in Hungary, …