
  1. Santorum

    Santorum is the last name of former US Senator Rick Santorum. After he made widely publicized homophobic remarks, notably comparing homosexuality to bestiality, the term santorum was an invented and spread as an ironic slang term—referring…
  2. square root

    Time for ... math class? A square root is sex position (apparently made-up as a joke) that involves four people lying on their sides, forming a square shape as they perform oral sex on each other.…
  3. sucking dick

    Sucking dick is a vulgar slang term for performing oral sex on a man. Telling someone to suck a dick is a strong insult meaning "Screw you!" If something (e.g., work, a song) sucks dick, it's…
  4. porch monkey

    Warning: This article features information about an extremely offensive anti-Black expression. Porch monkey is a racial slur that characterizes Black people as lazy and unintelligent.
  5. microschool

    A microschool is a small, usually private school that typically has between 10–100 students. While they predate the COVID-19 pandemic, microschools gained prominence in 2020 as traditional schools closed, moving much of learning at-home and…
  6. Funny Words You Probably Don’t Know

  7. “Street Art” vs. “Graffiti”: What’s The Difference?

    Now more than ever before, public art is on the rise. New murals crop up in cities, large and small, on what feels like an everyday basis, each one breathing new, vibrant life into the streets that were once blank canvases for creativity. The terms graffiti and street art have long been used interchangeably to describe these public art installations—but what should we really call …

  8. no homo

    No homo is an extremely offensive, anti-gay expression. Some heterosexual men say no homo to emphasize their sexual orientation after saying something complimentary, affectionate, or otherwise positive to another man that they worry could be interpreted…
  9. G.A.Y.

    G.A.Y. is a backronym for gay standing for Good As You. It is meant to transform the historic use of gay as a slur into an expression of gay Pride.
  10. sexbot

    A sexbot can refer to a robot that is designed for sex or a spam program disguised as an attractive person.
  11. G6

    G6 is short for the Gulfstream G650, a luxury private jet. It's most commonly used in the phrase fly like a G6, coined by the hip-hop group Far East Movement for someone who is cool, confident,…
  12. duck butter

    Duck butter is a slang term that refers to sweat, semen, smegma, or other fluids around the genitals. While vulgar, the term is often used for humorous effect.